The Method I used To grow my Hairline Back


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I'm starting a blog based around it, I think anybody can easily grow most of their hair back if not all with proper dieting, it worked for me, I'm curious to see if it will work on people with worse hair loss than me though.

so if anyone wants to try my method out & log their experiences with pics we might be on to a practical fix for alot of people's hair loss problems. If you wanna try it out, let me know you could do it for a month and post the before and after pics & we'll post it to the blog so people know for sure if its legit or not.


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Can diet reduce hair follices' sensitivity to androgens?


Then it cannot cure genetic hair loss.


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If diet had anythin to do with Androgenetic Alopecia hairloss you wouldnt see ppl who are starving with full heads of hair


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twenty.five said:
Can diet reduce hair follices' sensitivity to androgens?


Then it cannot cure genetic hair loss.

No, but it can help to correct the androgenic imbalance that individuals such as myself think is usually the culprit :)

Actually additionally, if it is true as studies show that estrogen can increase receptors sensitivity to androgens, then yes, diet can do this!! lol

The Natural

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"proper dieting" is a misnomer. You are merely taking an herb, a vitamin, and some protein for your hair loss. This is called "supplementation," and not "dieting" as most people know it to be.


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twenty.five said:
Can diet reduce hair follices' sensitivity to androgens?


Then it cannot cure genetic hair loss.

Yes it can;

You life style effects the expression of your DNA, that is a 100% fact and people need to educate themselves.

Also things like too much inflammation, and too much free radical (oxidants) cause 1) unfavorable changes in your epigenetics then 2) causes incrased AR sensitivity.

Let me repeat this again, MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WITH male pattern baldness DO NOT HAVE EXCESSIVE DHT. Does everyone get it now?


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Nobody said it was about androgen levels. twenty.five was right with what he said about androgen sensitivity.

male pattern baldness sufferers are genetically predisposed to androgen sensitivity. You need to look at the exact mechanism by which scalps of male pattern baldness sufferers differ genetically and how this difference manifests itself to figure out whether your sweeping statement about epigenetics applies to male pattern baldness. So far there is no evidence it does.

For instance if you follow the progenitor cell research, you'd conclude that the only way a diet change could make up for the lacking progenitor cells in male pattern baldness-prone men, is to somehow trigger the creation of more of them. Same goes for if you track the root cause to adipocyte fat cells (Yale research). By looking at these specific mechanics involved instead of making broad statements about epigenetics you'll see that it is incredibly unlikely it's possible to fix our broken mechanics by diet changes.


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Ill try it out, will report back within a month or 2. Im going to be taking only 300 mg isntead of 700 mg of saw palmeto thou


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Please explain to me how I see so many large men at buffets with a full head of hair. They dont seem to pass on anything, yet retain their hair. hy does the homeless man on the corner stop light who lives off Vodka and dumpster food also have more hair than I. I think I will reconsider the dumpster tomorrow during lunch.


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yes, I think one can influence hair with diet, but only slightly. Genetics are 90-99% of it. I wish it weren't so, but Im afraid it is.


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keepinthehair said:
Please explain to me how I see so many large men at buffets with a full head of hair. They dont seem to pass on anything, yet retain their hair. hy does the homeless man on the corner stop light who lives off Vodka and dumpster food also have more hair than I. I think I will reconsider the dumpster tomorrow during lunch.

Wa ha ha rolling on the floor laughing :jump: