The moment of Truth/Horror


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Pretty hilarious. He'll probably get plugs, etc, and or maybe it's the Demi Moore curse, and her love sucks the hair right off of men.


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I like that one. Just a question for you all. Do you consider yourselves to be a little metro? Or caring about your looks too much? Sometimes I wonder if I am just over obsessed. I have always been deemed "pretty boy" and was wondering if I just obsess too much about this.


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Interesting to note that the SMH is the same newspaper that published a couple of threads from the alt.baldspot newsgroup a few years ago on the backpage which was the kind of "observational humour" section.
And yeah I am alittle metro and a lot vain. Which is why I think making the transition to fully fledged bald guy would be very traumatic and hence here I am.


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Haha thats funny. Ever think maybe were just a bunch of wining pretty boys. That kind of make me feel a little better actually.


jj_24 said:
Haha thats funny. Ever think maybe were just a bunch of wining pretty boys. That kind of make me feel a little better actually.

With hairloss you aren´t a "pretty boy" but rather some old (hair)loser....... :cry:


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I dont think I qualify as "metro". Apart from worrying about loseing my hair im not really arsed about anything else in regards to my looks. Also, I dont think worrying about hairloss really makes someone "vain" as such. It has a lot to do with feeling like your getting old fast or early by loseing hair. Could be wrong though


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Maybe thats the truth I dont know. There are a ton of guys out there going through this. Are we just taking it harder than most because we care about looks too much? Just a thought to ponder. I know I have been overobsessed in the past just wondering if you guys felt the same. Maybe every guy takes it as hard as us but I dont think so.


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There are studies on this. I think the results were that a surprisingly large number of men were affected to a surprisingly large degree by hairloss. Something like 70% were significantly bothered or something. Hell I could look it up but I'd rather remember/make up stats like that. :)


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Wouldn't suprise me if the % was even higher considering I was pretty much traumatized when I found out.


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My Regimen
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I think it's a case of something happening to you that you're not in control of and something that is happening very much in the public eye.


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Sorry but how well you take it depends on your own confidence and self esteem.


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jj_24 said:
Maybe thats the truth I dont know. There are a ton of guys out there going through this. Are we just taking it harder than most because we care about looks too much? Just a thought to ponder. I know I have been overobsessed in the past just wondering if you guys felt the same. Maybe every guy takes it as hard as us but I dont think so.

I tend to a agree with you there JJ. I've always over analysised stuff so so much. I swear that when I was like 15 I found a lump in my nuts. I freak out about it for like 3 weeks and then went to the doctors. The doctor kinda had a laugh at me and told me I was just over sensitive to then thoughts run in my head. This is a good thing when it comes to catchin things like male pattern baldness early cause you start to mega stress as soon as you find anything amiss. I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head, what would my girl friend think, what would my friends think, how am I going to look when I'm 10 years older... yada yada yada...

But I think at the end of the day, the person who notice this scorge most, is you. At least we have all got to the stage where we can admit something is happening and something can be done about it.