the need for nizoral / shampoo in general


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hi there

i'm in my mid 20s, and my front hairline has been slowly receding for about six months now. it's not particularly noticeable, and the way my hair has been styled for a few years actually covers it up without much effort.

nonetheless, i started on propecia about two weeks ago (haven't noticed much positive or negative since then) and started doing a bit of research, which lead me here. the literature on the site made it sound like you are more or less crazy if you don't use nizoral shampoo or something similar.

i had not heard of the stuff anywhere else, so i'm curious as to the veracity of the claim. i can't say that my scalp itches that much and i don't have any dandruff or inflammation though, as i said, the recession is just starting. if some of you could fill me in on some of the general wisdom on the subject i'd appreciate it!

on a similar note, i don't really shampoo my hair at all, and haven't for a few years. that may sound gross or strange to some, but my hair is not very oily (the body acclimates pretty quickly) and not shampooing works as a natural (and to my mind, superior) gel, and gives my hair "body."

my question, then, is whether or not this may be a negative in my attempt to keep my hairline where it is. i don't know enough about the science of hair loss and healthy to say.

thanks for your time.
all thoughts appreciated.


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i did the same thing for years (perhaps i was thinning and didn't know it) because my hair just seemed to feel and look better when i didn't wash it, so i didn't for almost four years (except maybe once every two weeks). now that i'm washing it with a good shampoo, its starting to look healthier than it ever did. i did however go through about a month period where it looked even worse, dry, wispy, basically the way it always looked when i washed it which was why i avoided it. so if you want to try washing it, you kinda have to stick with it for a while, i think it takes some time to get all that gel and stuff out of your hair, if you use these types of products.

as for nizoral, it sounds like it woudn't be a NECESSITY for someone like you, if you only have some mild recession, propecia alone would probably be okay, but i guess if you are really concerned and just want to add something relatively easy to your regimen, nizoral would be a perfect addition, lots of people in here swear by it.
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My Doctor says Nizoral would only work if there were tiny scabs blocking the pores. But ask 5 chefs how to make chicken soup, you would get 5 recipes.

So you need a prescription for nizoral shampoo? I hear its Expensive



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I don't think Nizoral is really worth the expense. I used 2% and didn't see any benefeit for my second procedure.

Besides that, it's a shampoo, so what you're putting on is getting washed off in minutes. Shampoo is really only good for hair, not scalp, unless moisturizing.
So browse the womens shampoo, and explain what really is good for hair.

And standard conditioner is good for scabs too, just as any mentioned.

You won't get any real medical beneifit from any prescribed shampoo or over the counter, that claims it helps below the epidermis. Such as hair growth or stimulation.


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yeah i guess i'm not familiar with the scab thing, at least not yet.

i'm not hankering to use shampoo on a regular basis at the moment, but i just wanted to make sure that i wasn't missing out on something very important that could help the situation OR whether not shampooing at all was somehow HURTING it. it doesn't seem like there's much of a consensus on the topic.


Free Bird

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During the Propecia trials, the subjects were all required to use T-Gel shampoo. If you want to exactly replicate the the trials, you might want to use T-Gel, or better yet, Nizoral. Just a thought anyway.

not me!

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I won't go as far to say that its helped me regrow anything, but I use Nizoral 2% on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and follow up with another shampoo. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays i use the T-Gel and follow up with another shampoo. This way I am fairly positive that I am creating a healthy scalp environment to assist the other factors in my regimen in regrowing and maintaining hair.