The New "Reformed" Avacor Commercial.... ROFL!


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I saw a new commercial for Avacor last night. The spokesperson was some "certified" dermatologist claiming it is the most effective hairloss treatment available, trusted by millions. They then went on to display those badly photoshopped before & after photos. The funny thing was that two of the 'after' ones claim to be taken after just 60 minutes! Yes one hour!! So they change the 90% effective claim to getting your hair back within an hour? Also now they directly claim it's an FDA approved treatment. I almost fell for this BS 2 years ago. How are these con-artist's still in business??? :roll:


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It's the hairloss game, people are more apt to believe that a completely illegitimate product will work, simply because it's "unknown" or that their knowledge of the product makes them "special" in some manner.

I think this phenomenon would be an interesting psychological study.


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I wish the FTC would sue the pants off those bastards.... I hear them all over the radio stations in orlando. Everytime i hear them, I *know* there are hundreds of people out there thats been con-ed by those fuckers. I hope everyone that works there goes bald and dies! Thats what they should get for preying on ppl's misfortunes.


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You're exactly right. I first tried Rogaine three years ago and hated it. It was itchy and took forever to dry. So I started looking for some magical alternative. After hearing and reading the local ads, it was between Hairprime and Avacor. I switched to Hairprime thinking it was some big undiscovered cure. Why not? It's results were shown much more effective than Rogaine, took 5 minutes to dry, and was backed with a money-back guarantee. Well I was on it for 6 months and didn't grow a single hair. I called to get my money back and was told I had to return it in 30 days. Ok so they sell you a 6 month supply, tell you to use it everyday for 6 months to begin to see results, but the guarantee is only good for the first 30 days. WTF?? I've since been on the big three and thankful I've stuck with it. It's great this site is out there to educate newbies about these scam artists. Rock on!! :yeah:


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gambit420 said:
Also now they directly claim it's an FDA approved treatment.
They've been claiming this from the start, because it contains FDA approved minoxidil. They don't mention that in their ads though.

Green Soap

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You know what's hilarious about these money back guarantee's?

If you read the fine print on these things, it does say, money back guarantee.

However, it also says that they won't pay for shipping when you send in your remainding "juice".

On top of that, they charge like a 15% - 20% restocking fee and still have your remaining head juice to package up for resale on top of that.

So, even on a small margin of return like that, despite a probable large amount of people who end up asking for a refund, this company makes money no matter what.

I think their business plan was to create a legitimate scam that could operate on a period of ten years or so before it finally all bites them in the ***. During that period they have a no holds barred cash cow.



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gambit420 said:
Also now they directly claim it's an FDA approved treatment.

I just wanted to reinforce what said: it IS an FDA approved treatment. It's topical minoxidil.



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Spidy182 said:
I wish the FTC would sue the pants off those bastards....

What do you think the FTC could sue them for? As far as I know, it's not against the law to over-charge for a topical minoxidil product! :wink:



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Bryan said:
Spidy182 said:
I wish the FTC would sue the pants off those bastards....

What do you think the FTC could sue them for? As far as I know, it's not against the law to over-charge for a topical minoxidil product! :wink:

Deceptive advertising. The FTC regulates trade, the FDA regulates drugs.


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They are lying bastards. I remember I got on Avacor before anything else. I saved the control number and the box and bottles. And shipped it back after 3 months or so and I called to let them know that I am planning to return it to get my refund. They say no questions asked. That lady was asking me alot of them. I just said: this stuff doesnt work for me. Maybe its working for others but I just want my refund now.
Anyways, I sent the package but they havent even refunded anything.

They should get sued.


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mvpsoft said:
Bryan said:
Spidy182 said:
I wish the FTC would sue the pants off those bastards....

What do you think the FTC could sue them for? As far as I know, it's not against the law to over-charge for a topical minoxidil product! :wink:

Deceptive advertising. The FTC regulates trade, the FDA regulates drugs.

What do you feel is deceptive about their advertising?


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Bryan said:
What do you feel is deceptive about their advertising?
uh..... the fact they say you can grow your hair back in 60 minutes, it works in 90% of men, and it's an "all natural" solution. Last time I checked, minoxidil wasn't growing on trees


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I strongly doubt they say the first thing about "60 minutes", but if they say the other two things, then it may be a valid complaint.



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The claims on their website do not seem to me to be misleading. They don't say that the topical solution is all natural, they don't make claims about regrowing hair in an absurdly short period of time, and they don't say it works on 90% of men. A dermatologist told me this week that they are being investigated by the FTC. I believe they may have toned down what their website says in response to the investigation. I haven't seen any TV ads for avacor lately since I rarely watch TV anymore, but the ones I saw in the past struck me as being quite deceptive in claiming that it would help most men regrow hair. IOW, the claims about regrowth went well beyond actual clinical results using 2% minoxidil. If I'm remembering those ads correctly, they were clearly false advertising.


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Chances are the law suit will be passed, but how long will it take? probably ages! A simmilar thing happend to Advanced Hair Studio for their advertisements. Claiming their program was proven and had whatever percentage of success. They eventually had to change there misleading adverts to state that there program consists of Minoxidil which is the proven treatment and not their program. Which they had to point out.

This was passed and there advert has now changed...only thing is it is still completly deceiving. AHS have two services, the laser and minoxidil and hair replacent called strand by strand. Now in their advert they have before and after pictures of a guy wearing a wig but the text is advertising the laser program. Leading you to believe the pictures are the result of the laser. If you really scan and read the small print you can work it out, but not many do. But thats what these companies do, it takes ages to have a complant upheld and then the scammers just make it deceiving in another way.

The shedder

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As I said prior my freind was caught in avacors web of deceit, only to lose more hair and become depressed. Its sad they are allowed airtime.