the "Office Space" spin on hair loss


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This message only applies if you are looking for another way to view hair loss, and to deal with it, versus "solve" the problem.

I just watched the part in the movie Office Space where the guy gets hypnotized, and looks at his hands with a big grin on his face afterwords, as if all his cares and worries have completely melted away.

So this got me thinking, that my conception of hair loss is solely based on our my perception!

Here's my logic, as it applies to me (for me hair loss is a bumber mostly because I think it hinders my search for a girl friend, and eventually a wife):

1) Most women don't care about hair loss, though some do. BUT, even so...

2) I don't want to marry a girl who is superficial enough to care and doesn't love me "unconditionally" anyway. (Yeah, something a chic would say. Sorry.)

3) So it is only as important as I make it. I just need to forget it's there, like the brown mole on the bottom of my foot. It's there, it is an "imperfection", but WHO CARES!

For a lot of guys that are new to this site, I remember gagging when reading messages like these. But I think you do learn to deal with hair loss as time goes by. For me it's been almost a year and a half since I noticed I was losing my hair, fyi.


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If you're shredded and a Norwood 2V, you'll still get lots of ***.

Take it from me. Men do NOT take care of their bodies or dress well. Women love that sh*t. So if you do that, you're already ahead of the game.