THE only solution


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easy baldies,

i'm on my way, which is a proper f****r. excuse the french, but it really gets to me.

the more i read and research, dutasterist .5 /day will keep ALL baldness at bay. am i going insane? or is it as as eay as as taking this magical (yet untested) pill once a day??????

i'm getting dutasteraide ASAP. then take every day till i die apparrently!!!!
is this fxxxxxxxx gospel or WHAT? is this pipe dreams? sounds great if it works. please give me some good news. pills are sweet. solve lots of probs. i hope not to being a bald freak like a lot of ugly cxxxx out there (sorry!).

i look forward to ALL your input and advice.
awaiting eagerly

smoke it pure!!!!!!! 8)


in most cases your hair count will maintain for a few years on propecia, and then gradually decline again. but your hair count will decline MUCH slower than it would without the drug. if this starts to happen, you can switch to avodart, the more powerful dht inhibitor, and this could possibly add another 10 years to your maintenance. conceivably you could keep what you have right now for 15 years. if cloning is ever to come out it will be out by then, and then this stuff won't be as big of a deal.

you also have other weapons at your disposal like tricomin and rogaine, which have been fda proven to regrow hair. so while you're slowly thinning on propecia later on, you can use those two to regrow hair and fight the hair loss from different angles.

if you're nw3 at say 21 and your hair loss is recent, it's not inconceivable that you could regrow some hair and only be a nw3 or so again by age 50.

look at this graph:


The top green line is people who were on propecia for 5 years. The bottom red line is people who took nothing for 5 years(a placebo). Look at the staggering difference. The Propecia group does have a declining hair count after 2 years but they decline only about 15-20% as fast as the placebo group. If we're talking about an area on the scalp, maybe the propecia group only loses 15-20 hairs in that area for every 100 hairs the group loses on the placebo.

Bryan has theorized that some of this thinning is just the general thinning that comes with age, which maybe can't be stopped by drugs.

And as I said earlier, if you start to thin again on propecia you can always switch to avodart, which is more expensive but also much more powerful. It blocks 98.5% of type II dht at 0.5 mg a day which is much m ore than propecia blocks. and as i said earier if you are using things like tricomin and rogaine to regrow hair while on avodart or propecia, you should find very good results in your overall hair.

Tokin n baldin,

I posted the post above from another thread. I wrote it a couple days ago in response to a similar question. Basically propecia hair counts on AVERAGE decline after the second year of being on the drug, but they decline only about 20% as fast as they would if you weren't taking it. There hasn't been a five-year study on dutasteride(avodart) like there has been with finasteride(propecia), but all research indicates that your hair would thin even slower on avodart than on propecia because it is more powerful.

If you want to take one drug that will let you keep your hair as long as possible, take avodart. It also will regrow more hair than propecia if you can regrow any.


Experienced Member
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JayMan, i liked your post! we disagree sometimes on some things but this one was ace!!!


thanks. i've become a big fan of the long and comprehensive post lately.

i appreciate it.


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Hmm, Jayman, I have a question. I haven't even started finasteride yet but I plan to soon. Let's say it holds up for 5 years and then I notice a decline. If I wanna switch to dutasteride after that, is it really that easy? Because apparentely you lose all the hair you've gained on finasteride after about 12 months, would I still lose that hair?


r1989 said:
Hmm, Jayman, I have a question. I haven't even started finasteride yet but I plan to soon. Let's say it holds up for 5 years and then I notice a decline. If I wanna switch to dutasteride after that, is it really that easy?

Yes it is that easy.

Because apparentely you lose all the hair you've gained on finasteride after about 12 months, would I still lose that hair?

You lose all the hair that finasteride was holding in or had regrown after a few months off the drug, yes. But if you replace finasteride with dutasteride then you won't lose that hair. dutasteride is a stronger DHT inhibitor than finasteride so it will hold in all the hair that finasteride did and more, and may regrow more as well. the reason for this is that 0.5 mg a day of dutasteride blocks 98.5% of type II DHT in the follicles whereas 1 mg a day of finasteride blocks somewhere in the 80-85% range. dutasteride also blocks half of type I, while finasteride blocks almost none, and some type I DHT may leak into the follicles so blocking half should help. But the big benefit of dutasteride is blocking almost all of the type II DHT in the follicles- and since type II dht is the main reason why men with male pattern baldness go bald... well it's pretty easy to understand why dutasteride is more effective.