The (Popular)Mechanics of hairloss



Does'nt it says it verry effectice:
"On average, terminal hair counts increased from 82 to 276 in the active treatment group."

Or is this just scam crap..
If it works then I would try it, but tgis is olmost based on the same thing as this magic helmet isn'nt it?

michael barry

Senior Member
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I imagine Stephen Foote will get a kick out of this. Electromagnetic therapies are used to combat edema in the affected.

It would seem to me though, that the damage DHT does over time would reduce the effectiveness of this product like it does with minoxidil when used alone.

I really believe an effective regimine will someday consist of a great topical anti-androgen in the form of a nanosomal androgen receptor blocker first, with adjunct therapies (perhaps like this one) later. One that also utilizes the superoxide dismutases and powerful anti-oxidants also to combat plain ol' ageing of the scalp. This is interesting that popular mechanics would write on it though, isn't it?