The positive vibe post


New Member
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Hello people!

I started earlier this month on the big 3:

1. Generic Proscar 1.25mg
2. minoxidil 2%
3. Nizoral 1%

I've sorted been saying 'f*** it' to my hair for the time being and sitting back, relaxing and not letting my thinning get the best of me.

It seems that just starting my regimen has really given me a boost, and that I don't give a f*** attitude.

Definitley gives me positive vibes about my hairloss,

What sort of positive vibes have you guys gotten from your treatment?


Portunfio said:
Hello people!

I started earlier this month on the big 3:

1. Generic Proscar 1.25mg
2. minoxidil 2%
3. Nizoral 1%

I've sorted been saying 'f*** it' to my hair for the time being and sitting back, relaxing and not letting my thinning get the best of me.

It seems that just starting my regimen has really given me a boost, and that I don't give a f*** attitude.

Definitley gives me positive vibes about my hairloss,

Yes sirreee, starting my regimen made me feel much better about the whole thing.

Portunfio said:
What sort of positive vibes have you guys gotten from your treatment?

hair re-growth.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Portunfio... first off, I am jealous because the Lompoc region of CA is beautiful and I have often wished to have a beach house someday on a remote shore there. It's one of the few somewhat secluded areas of the Pac Coast remaining (thanks to the Air Force and CalTrans) that is somewhat out of the way to get to!

Keep up the good vibe! You have the EXACT right attitude to have.


Established Member
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I'll have to agree on this. Before starting my regimen I felt like I was wasting every minute - no matter what I was doing I always felt that I should be doing something more important; which (of course) in 90% of the cases ended up with me doing nothing at all.

Now I'm on my fourth day on the big three, and just the fact that I'm doing what I can has removed much of the stress. For the first time in what feels like ages, I've been able to just simply enjoy a TV-show without feeling stressed out for doing something unimportant.

If my regimen would fail - so be it. Even if it would fail, I'd still know that I at least gave it a try; and I'll never have to touch the dreaded "if only I had..."-thought.


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Very well said.

I always think 'the situation is what it is; not what it should be..'

So, if we can't adjust the situation to our liking, then we adjust the way we look at it.


Experienced Member
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This is the kind of people im talking about.......its just hair...we have bigger things to care about then the sh*t on our head...very nice post man and keep up the vibe