The power of your mind


My Regimen
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19 ... treatment/

Obviously this article has a yoga selling agenda, but i think the content definitely has merit regardless.

If there's one thing i've been realising over the past year or 2, it's the power of the subconscious mind, and how the thoughts you "plant" in your subconscious create your reality. The subconsious mind should NOT be overlooked when it comes to hair loss.

I think if people knew HOW to program their mind to beat hair loss, then it would work, it's just that we don't know how.



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yes the mind is very powerfull. for example it has been shown time and time again how part of the success of psychotherapies can be attributed to placebo effects. Beliving that you are actually being cured well its more imporant than the technique of the cure itself.
in the study posted i think one of the reasons to the regrowth could be being less stressed about losing hair.
unfortunately i don't think we can stop or reverse the balding process without real medicines, but we sure as hell can slow it down a bit by not worrying too much about it. and especially we can improve our quality of life by accepting the fact everything is still great if you have no hair lol!


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i nember once saying to myself before i went to bed ...

please ears dont grow

and they havnt since

people tell me my ears are small now


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Meditation incresase melatonin synthesis and MEL affects possitively to hair growth.

J Pineal Res. 2008 Jan;44(1):1-15.
Melatonin and the hair follicle.
Fischer TW, Slominski A, Tobin DJ, Paus R.
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany.
Melatonin, the chief secretory product of the pineal gland, has long been known to modulate hair growth, pigmentation and/or molting in many species, presumably as a key neuroendocrine regulator that couples coat phenotype and function to photoperiod-dependent environmental and reproductive changes. However, the detailed effects and mechanisms of this surprisingly pleiotropic indole on the hair follicle (HF) regarding growth control and pigmentation have not yet been completely understood. While unspecific melatonin binding sites have long been identified (e.g., in goat and mouse HFs), specific melatonin membrane MT2 receptor transcripts and both protein and mRNA expression for a specific nuclear melatonin binding site [retinoid-related orphan receptor alpha (RORalpha)] have only recently been identified in murine HFs. MT1, known to be expressed in human skin cells, is not transcribed in mouse skin. After initial enzymologic data from hamster skin related to potential intracutaneous melatonin synthesis, it has recently been demonstrated that murine and human skin, namely human scalp HFs in anagen, are important sites of extrapineal melatonin synthesis. Moreover, HF melatonin production is enhanced by catecholamines (as it classically occurs in the pineal gland). Melatonin may also functionally play a role in hair-cycle control, as it down-regulates both apoptosis and estrogen receptor-alpha expression, and modulates MT2 and RORalpha expression in murine skin in a hair-cycle-dependent manner. Because of melatonin's additional potency as a free radical scavenger and DNA repair inducer, the metabolically and proliferatively highly active anagen hair bulb may also exploit melatonin synthesis in loco as a self-cytoprotective strategy.

Br J Dermatol. 2004 Feb;150(2):341-5.
Melatonin increases anagen hair rate in women with androgenetic alopecia or diffuse alopecia: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Fischer TW, Burmeister G, Schmidt HW, Elsner P.
Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Erfurter Strasse 35, D-07740 Jena, Germany.
In addition to the well-known hormonal influences of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone on the hair cycle, melatonin has been reported to have a beneficial effect on hair growth in animals. The effect of melatonin on hair growth in humans has not been investigated so far.
To examine whether topically applied melatonin influences anagen and telogen hair rate in women with androgenetic or diffuse hair loss.
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in 40 women suffering from diffuse alopecia or androgenetic alopecia. A 0.1% melatonin or a placebo solution was applied on the scalp once daily for 6 months and trichograms were performed to assess anagen and telogen hair rate. To monitor effects of treatment on physiological melatonin levels, blood samples were taken over the whole study period.
Melatonin led to a significantly increased anagen hair rate in occipital hair in women with androgenetic hair loss compared with placebo (n=12; P=0.012). For frontal hair, melatonin gave a significant increase in the group with diffuse alopecia (n=28; P=0.046). The occipital hair samples of patients with diffuse alopecia and the frontal hair counts of those with androgenetic alopecia also showed an increase of anagen hair, but differences were not significant. Plasma melatonin levels increased under treatment with melatonin, but did not exceed the physiological night peak.
To the authors' knowledge, this pilot study is the first to show that topically applied melatonin might influence hair growth in humans in vivo. The mode of action is not known, but the effect might result from an induction of anagen phase.

Med Sci Monit. 2004 Mar;10(3):CR96-101. Epub 2004 Mar 1.
The effects of long meditation on plasma melatonin and blood serotonin.
Solberg EE, Holen A, Ekeberg Ø, Østerud B, Halvorsen R, Sandvik L.
Ulleval University Hospital, Department of Medicine, Oslo, Norway.
The benefits of meditation are well documented, but the biochemical mechanisms have not been fully identified. One effect mechanism may be via influence on neurotransmitters.
Therefore, plasma melatonin and blood serotonin concentrations were measured before and after one hour of meditation in advanced male meditators (n=27, mean age 46 years). They were compared with a matched reference group (n=29, mean age 43 years) who rested for one hour. In the meditators, melatonin and serotonin from before and after three consecutive hours of meditation were also compared.
Initially, the median melatonin level was 4.9 pg/ml-1 in the meditators and 3.1 pg/ml-1 in the reference group (p<0.01). After one hour of practice, melatonin had decreased to a median of 3.4 pg/ml-1 in the meditators (p<0.0001), but was unchanged in the reference group. After three hours of meditation, melatonin had declined further in the meditators. After one hour of practice, serotonin concentrations decreased in both the meditators and the reference group (p<0.01).
The findings suggest that advanced meditators have higher melatonin levels than non-meditators. Melatonin decreases during long meditation, a finding the study does not explain. Serotonin declines after both one-hour meditation and rest, indicating that serotonin may be a marker of general rest and not meditation-specific relaxation.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

slurms mackenzie

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The rebukes so far have hardly been stunning in their content,

The key question would be does the result of the placebos in both cases differ from doing nothing at all, if that's the cases then it shows the mind can influence hair loss, we already know it can influence things like relief from pain.

I find this very interesting because it could explain why some people get results on some alternative treatments such as the IH6 and TRX2.

Now if you wanted to criticise say the placebo effect you could quote things like this

Since the publication of Henry K. Beecher's The Powerful Placebo in 1955 the phenomenon has been considered to have clinically important effects.[8] This view was notably challenged when in 2001 a systematic review of clinical trials concluded that there was no evidence of clinically important effects, except perhaps in the treatment of pain and continuous subjective outcomes.[8]

Which references ... 5243442106


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I read here many stories. They are saying that they have lost their hair when they had a very stressful/sad time.

I believe in what you said.

I want to mention a story:

The story of the deaf frog
There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No one in the crowd really believed the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.
Heard throughout the race were statements such as, “Oh, way too difficultâ€￾, “They will never make it to the topâ€￾, “Not a chance they will succeedâ€￾, and “The tower is too highâ€￾.
The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one - except for those who, in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult! No one will make itâ€￾!
More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But one continued to climb higher and higher. This one refused to give up!
At the end of the race, all had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!
All of the other tiny frogs wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it. They asked him how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal.
It turned out that the winning frog was deaf!


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People are very cruel with their words and glance.
To be deaf is not enough, we must be blind and deaf to succeed in anything.


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Like that 'law-of-attraction' video "The Secret".

'Think and ye shall receive.'
Total bunk and horseshit for the lazy befuddled masses.

The only thing "thinking" is going to do-is *will* yourself into action and doing something about it. So in effect, yes, thinking could manifest itself into something positive, but there is no pseudo-scientific phenomenon at work here otherwise.


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FredTheBelgian said:
Listen, you won't grow hair because you want to, period.
Here there are opposite thinkers about the positive thinking. I need to write this post not to cause them to think "stop listening their sayings as in the deaf frog story" meaning them. I have read many stories here. A few years old children are being teased by their friends, by their parents' glances and words, and so you are.

Yes, I have not so serious hair problem. My hair is thinning and losing but have less hair than normal woman. Some time ago I thought if this went far, I'd go and get hair transplant although I am a woman.

I'm 33, quite soon 34 and my only problem is not this. I have all those cruel glances and words for some other reason for years more than your age. When you get all my experiences -but I don't think your problem is so serious as me, so the experience density will not be so high as mine relating to hiding it with false hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. There are situations that cannot be hidden by anything- thinking just the years' numbers, you'll be 45. Think all the years... I lost my childhood, and some part of my youth because of just those cruel words and glances. I can understand you, those children and the years waiting for them very well. Now I'm strong enough to fight with them and do what I avoid because of those cruel words and glances. Now I start to educate people who have those kind of cruel words and glances by saying the truth and "you can be in the same stution when something occurs, and if that occurs what will you do when I behave you like yours?"

We are human, what we experienced have made us human. We can educate people to be human. In this way, our life will be easier for us to fight with the real problem.

Yeah, the baldness, receding hairline is your future and is waiting for you but it's in your hand to make it arrive to your life as late as possible especially when you're still young, and full of enery, happiness and aims. It's really cruel that it appears so early. All we can do is fight to get back what is taken from us. Our weapons are positive thinking and medication.

To be deaf and blind is very difficult. Otherwise, to continue to live is very difficult. Positive thinking is very important at any aim.

Now I think that I am lucky because I have the experience of a 60 or more years old person but have the energy of a 17, so I'll do the least mistake and I'll get back the years that are taken from me. I'll be the winner, not them. This is positive thinking, and makes me go on living.

I made a mistake, caused something to be understood wrong by the gray sentence above. I'm not lucky, not happy to have my real problem. It ruined all my life and the years left. If they didn't cause it and I didn't have it, I'd have the same mind. I know myself, I was the same as me before it. I have always been a thoughtful person. It caused me to be away from social life, caused me not to do too many things related to it. I hate them. I'd like to be totally bald, not to have even a thin tiny hair on my body, no hair no eyebrows, no eyeleashes instead of having it. I wish I had a chance to exchange it.

I can understand the mood has. Meanwhile, ariesgr76, I apologize for giving the address of your profile. I've read your profile and the picture suits to what we suffer from. Sorry again.

There is nothing worse than to lose hope to do anything. I've lost my hope for what I had planned for my career for about a year, I stopped to fight with it, and it is worsened. Now, I'm trying to recover. Meanwhile, I've lost time, the situation is worsened. Loosing hope for your hair, and stopping with it just will worse the situation, to get back, to recover too.

I've realized that my appearance problem is not so worse at least for me with my recent viewpoint and the state not hearing and seeing anything, and decided not to hide, be away from the social life related to it. I realized that I've known what the problem was and the problem was my concentrating just on it. Then I remembered that a friend of mine, who was suffering from a very deep sight problem, maybe now she's blind I don't know, said that she had a very big pimple on her face. When I looked at her face it was really a very small pimple, she was just sticked to the mirror to see it because her sight was so bad. I couldn't make her understand it because she was concentrated on it, forgot that she was beautiful, wise, and a fighter because she was negative-thinking person about her appearance.


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Wait, I thought watching the clock at work made time go slower. I watch my hair fall out every day in hopes that it will slow the thinning? Should I wear earplugs too?


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You do not need earplugs, you need a psychologist.

By the way, if the people whom you need to use earplugs are saying upsetting words in spite of your trying and mood, then it means that they are not your friend, get rid of them. You'll feel happy when you do not have them in your life. They don't deserve you. Find friends that deserve you.

You're a negative thinking and young person relating to your post. Otherwise, you'd think "I have been following a regimen, and couldn't stop it, maybe just slowed it. I did what I could. If I lose it, I have alternative medication as hair transplant. There are worse situations than mine so I am lucky because I can make the hair problem seem lighter. My system is programmed as that way. I've done what I can do as a human as having a brain. I even win the nature as a human being." and wouldn't write it. Reaching to that thinking will get time.

There are situations that people don't have any option...