The quest for the magic plant!!



"There is a permanent cure for baldness. It is a plant located south of Damascus in the Middle East (forgotten the Arabic term for it). It was used for centuries by the Syrians to cure baldness but the land it grows in is in despute between Syria and Israel so unaccessable by both nations!

The plant is mashed into a creamy liquid and placed once on the scalp. The follicle absorbs, and this plant or cure sticks to the receptor sites on your hairs, and stays there for decades, blocking all immune-rejections and DHT attacks. Its the only plant that stays locked onto your receptors
I personally know someone who used this plant, he is now 57 yrs old, and actually found some reading on it."

This is what HairCoverage has been told by a old man name Naji's wich had hairloss before but used a plant by the name Rooh Al-Sham and he got 100% cured.
Rooh al Sham means "Soul of the North", or "Soul of Syria", or "Soul of Damascus", Sham literally means North but it can be a synonym for Syria or Damascus.
But it is believed that this plant CAN have another name too.

Sadly this plant is told to not be accesable by any nations as it is growing in a millitary area.
TruthSmoker believe this can be the UNDOF zone, which people from the UN can access only.
Map here:

So what we need now is to find the english or Latin name for this plant.
I hope someone here can help us search more info about this plant as it can be the best natural DHT inhibitor / immune-rejection blocker that we know of, or not yet know of..but will find i hope :)

Original thred for this topic is by HairCoverage:


Plunk´y boy Do you really mean you dont wanna try this plant if somebody gave it to you?


When smoked it gives the coolest exctacy trip ever without any sideeffects!!
If u smoke the flowers its like heroin but ofcourse without the sideeffect!!
The root when smear on penis makes it 5 inch bigger in 1-2 weeks without side effects offcoure!!

Come on.. this plant excist and we need to find it!!!


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Does anyone else find it deliciously ironic that it has the word 'sham' in its title?

Although maybe I'm being too cynical... God forbid that Haircoverage might be f*****g with us...

There's definitely literary potential in it however, I can see it now!

Harry Potter and Rooh-Al-Sham!!!

The Gardener

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I Googled "Rooh al-Sham". Check out the results! loss=en&q=%22rooh+al-sham%22

However, I had better luck when I altered the query to "Rue the fool who crosses Mister T"


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i'd totally written him off also, and my bullshit meter is quite sensitive. but he's shown himself to be quite an educated guy in other threads so now i can't discount him offhand. not when he seems so well read.


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The Gardener said:
I Googled "Rooh al-Sham". Check out the results! loss=en&q=%22rooh+al-sham%22

However, I had better luck when I altered the query to "Rue the fool who crosses Mister T"

Ah ain't gettin' on no plaane to Syria!


Yeah I guess.. We see what we want to see but my intution also tells me to look beyond the FDA aproved drugs to find somethig bether than mino, fina and duta..
I must say I share the some philosophy with HairCoverage that it need to be something that cures hairloss.. Something simple like a plant/herb stuff.. Just need to find it!!

HairCoverage: Why dont beat this info out if this arabic old guy to get this plant.. U´re a fighter right?? U can be my torpedo, I´ll pay u BIG!! hehe

I mean if you know this man´s son.. How dificult would it be to make him to phonecall some shamans or something in syria to get this plant!!

The Gardener

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I think you'd have better luck obtaining a vial of Rod Stewart's semen.

AND better results.


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Look, the whole concept of this plant is the the most retarded thing I've heard in a long time. *Nothing* will bind to a receptor for decades. Cells break down, are killed, regenerate, and the body is extremely good at breaking down and eliminating foreign chemicals from the body.

How convenient, as well, that only some old man knew about this plant, and that it's in some mysterious area 51 type location in Syria.

Any peremptory acquaintance with HairCoverage's posts (giant kangaroos anyone?) should be enough to convince you that he's a crackmonster of epic proportions, and not a reliable purveyor of truth at all.


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I know that plant! I use to have it, and used it on my head once everyday until it ran out(about 7 days). It cured my baldness for about 8 yrs. I went from a Norwood 5 to a NW1 but now it is receding again, and am not able to find it anywhere!


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You sure about that, because i was thinking there are some cells that arent ever suppose to re-generate. (Brain Cells, Hair Cell etc)


I agree it sounds a little suspecious,, but do you guys belive that there is no plant in the whole jungle of plants that can cure hairloss??? Even if it needs to be aplied everyday!!