The real reason why nice guys finish last:


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Women don't dislike nice guys. They just give nice guys less, which nice guys interpret as women not liking them as much. Suppose a used car dealer wants $4000 for a car. A nice guy would just pay the $4000, or maybe even be extra nice and pay $5000 for it. A bad boy would negotiate the price down to $3000. The nice guy then sees that he paid $5000 for the same type of car that the bad boy just got for $3000, and would state that used car sales people love negotiators and hate easy customers. Clearly the opposite is true. Yeah, that and bad boys are more likely to say hello and bring the topic up.

As for confidence, if you do not act confident you can get the car for $3000, the used car salesman will stay firm at $4000. But if you act confident when you negotiate, they will suspect you know you can get it for $3000 and will actually walk away. That is when they decide $3000 is better than no sale. To a lesser extent, women assume if a guy is confident that he has more to offer than is seen or said at that moment, which often leads to disappointment later. Still, if you want to get anywhere with women or anyone, you have to know how to sell yourself.

You can try selling the best product for the lowest price, but if you seem very unconfident, the customer will not trust the product. Most customers buy before they know all the fact, and base their decision in part on how confident the seller seems. If you are a very smart engineer, but you act timid and unsure that anyone would want your designs, do you think anyone would buy them? What if someone knows you are super smart? Do you think they would pay you what you are worth? Most likely they will try to get you cheap and only pay you more if someone else over bids them later. It is the same with women. Funny thing is, women are great at negotiating in the dating world, but worse than men at negotiating pay in the job market. I'm not sure why the skills don't transfer over.

Negotiating is simple when you both want the same thing. If you both love playing chess, you just play it, and it feels unconditional. If you both look good you just get to it, and it feels unconditional. There actually are conditions of course. But they don't need to be stated. Now if one guys plays chess and checkers, and one guy plays chess and the others just checkers, the guy who plays both could charge both, even though he likes both, just because he can always play the other and leave one to himself if he wanted. Some women do that, by socializing extra hard to get many guys interested, and then seeing who the highest bidder is. They will also sleep with another woman's boyfriend just to lower her status and make her dump him, and then not sleep with the guy again after mission accomplished. All about monopoly and such.


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The reason I"ve not been on here much is I'm looking for work. I've also been spending a lot of time designing something for an engineering competition. It has a huge prize. I'm just about done designing it, and will be saving up to buy the materials soon. The problem is I need $1,000,000 of insurance to even compete. The prize people don't want to get sued if anyone gets hurt. It has to hover with just pedal power. Well, no insurance will cover stuff like this. So I got to go find a millionaire and get them to sign off on responsibility for the event, after I fly it for them many times and convince them it is safe and that they won't lose their money. I'll have to give them a cut of the prize of course. I want to give them $50,000. I plan to fly it in Texas since that state is not as sue happy as others. If any of you know some venture capitalists who might want to make a quick buck, let me know. I'll sign off on the first $5,000 or so of responsibility to prove I'm confident. I'm already paying for the materials and taking time to build it myself.

I don't have a dating life yet, but I'm happy just designing stuff. There are a few other prize competitions I will do after this one. I have to get in better shape if I am to fly this. That should help my dating life too. I could hire an athlete, but that means paying them, and it also means a higher probability of a law suit. I'm sure someone will be more likely to take the risk if they know the designer is the one flying it, since juries will put the responsibility on the designer.


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Your example is strange: Why would the nice guy in your example pay $1000 more for a car than the dealer is asking? Is he retarded too?


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Beaner that only proves my point:
People think better with their brains than they do with their heart. When they fall in love at first sight, they do dumb stuff. But if you marry a woman for her money, I bet you'd be using your brain to play that off, not using your heart and making mistakes.


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CCS said:
I don't have a dating life yet, but I'm happy just designing stuff. There are a few other prize competitions I will do after this one. I have to get in better shape if I am to fly this. That should help my dating life too..

Yeah, It will be good for your dating life but not because youll get in "better" shape....

it will help your dating life because youll be happy doing something cool like designing and building your project. Its obvious your very enthusiastic about it, and thats a major thing woman find attractive about men.

those competitions are the type of place/scene where you will mix and mingle with people/ "sciency" chicks that share your same interests like engineering/design/science.....


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The mind boggles :shock:


"No free rides b****s"!!!


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s.a.f said:

No lighter than air gasses allowed, and no energy storing methods allowed either if they have a spring or clutch or other device that allows controlled release.

As for the no free rides, that would be an example of negotiation. It would make women upset, but probably get you laid more than if you just give them what they want and ask for nothing in return. Hence why bad boys get laid, and the women seem to go for jerks. Ideally you should improve your appearance so what they want is your body. Even then, some will try to get money too. And when you refuse to pay, they say you are a bad boy, not a gentlemen.

But since my crown is thinning, I think the looks department is probably a disappearing dream. I still want to take care of my skin and get into shape though just so I can enjoy rock climbing and not get injured easily. But looks like my fun in life is coming from inventing and the good old out doors. But who knows, maybe a good brush can get some dermmatch into the crown and hide everthing. Never know. I'll worry about it later though. I got to use any money I can get to buy wood for now.

Some people pitty me for being single. But I pitty men who are in love with people who don't love them, or go home to verbal fights, and ride emotional roller coasters, and pay money for sex they never get. At least I have my peace of mind, free time, and keep my money to myself. And Texas has some really nice divorce laws too.


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I'm going to patent something soon, worth billions. And when I make my millions off it, I'm going to fully fund hair cloning. HM will be here soon once it is fully funded.


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CCS said:
I'm going to patent something soon, worth billions. And when I make my millions off it, I'm going to fully fund hair cloning. HM will be here soon once it is fully funded.

Hey guys our problems are over !!!
Once CCS's machine for turning dog turds into renewable energy takes off we'll all be NW1's. :punk:


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On the subject of this flying craft, how does it work?
I'm not asking to steal your machine or anything, but what's the general gist of it?

I was under the impression that it was impossible for a human to provide enough energy to lift himself vertically off of the ground.


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cuebald said:
I was under the impression that it was impossible for a human to provide enough energy to lift himself vertically off of the ground.

It has already been done twice. The record is 24 seconds, 2 feet off the ground. Google Yuri helicopter. My goal is 60 seconds, 10 feet off the ground. They have even flown with a helicopter whose blades were driven by propellers on the tips.

Engineers already know how to make human powered helicopters. The problem is they require athletes to give their all for 20 seconds and only get 2 feet off the ground. I know of several improvements that will let me fly longer than that. I might still have to get an athlete though. I'd prefer to fly it myself for insurance reasons. But maybe in Texas that won't be an issue.

Bald Dave

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Oh i miss this forum. So many memories :whistle:


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Funnily enough that does look abit like him.


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So correct me if I'm wrong, CSS, but this is your current life plan?

1. Stay at home, opt not to go out to bars and clubs to meet women
2. Work hard at inventing instead
3. Design a human-powered flying machine
4. Patent said flying machine
5. Make billions of dollars
6. Sponsor major scientists in a 'Manhattan Project' for hair multiplication
7. Have a perfect hair transplant
8. Look good with a NW1
9. Go to bars and pick up women
10. Life is sorted out

For the record, I think this is a bloody brilliant plan.