The rebuild hair program/hair loss protocol


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Hey guys, new member here. I joined this forum because after having given up on ever having hair again, I saw a promo for a program that is supposed to make hair grow back by inhibiting 5AR thereby minimizing DHT production. Anyway this program is a $40 ebook by Jared Gates. I was wondering if anyone had any personal experience with this program before I spent my money on it. Christmas time has left my funds very low and I was trying to read some reviews of the program before I spent the last of my cash.
I know that it's unlikely the cure for baldness is only $40 so please only comment if you are actually familiar with the program.


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you just need finasteride and maybe minoxidil too, it's simple. You don't need a book


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I saw your regrowth pics and I gotta say I was impressed. I have tried rogain and propecia and didn't really see any results. Maybe I didn't stick to the regimen long enough. But this Jared guy claims to be able to fully restore your hair with only $20 worth of supplements/vegetables a month. I'd rather go that route if it really works. thanks for your input

Quantum Cat

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I saw your regrowth pics and I gotta say I was impressed. I have tried rogain and propecia and didn't really see any results. Maybe I didn't stick to the regimen long enough. But this Jared guy claims to be able to fully restore your hair with only $20 worth of supplements/vegetables a month. I'd rather go that route if it really works. thanks for your input

it doesn't.


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What's your experience with it? How long did you try it? What supplements does he recommend?

Quantum Cat

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I've never even seen it but I can tell you with 100% certainty his programme doesn't work.

male pattern baldness is a genetic condition unrelated to diet.


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But this Jared guy claims to be able to fully restore your hair with only $20 worth of supplements/vegetables a month.

bull****. Diet/supplements can do nothing for male pattern baldness.

Also, it takes months to see results from finasteride + min. Even then, it is very good at stopping hairloss from progressing, moreso than amazing regrowth. As long as you don't get worse long term the drugs are working


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It's guarentted to work or your money back…

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]I know that it's unlikely the cure for baldness is only $40 so please only comment if you are actually familiar with the program.[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Thanks

I purchased the program and then got a refund a few days later... It's done thru clickbank so you just have to click on a link they send you when you purchase the product and they (clickbank) provide a refund no questions asked. When you go buy the product (for $39.) and try to leave the page it says "stay on the page for a special offer"… when you do, it says "wait, we can't let you go without trying the product... How about $29.?" You can still cancel later and get your money back and when you do, you still can keep the book because it's in digital form (PDF)

I bought the product because I was curious. I wanted to see how they pulled off the "guaranteed to give you a full head of hair" line with a straight face. The older guy on the cover of the book has a before and after picture... it's obviously an older looking bald guy in the before shot and an older looking bald guy with a fancy Hollywood hair type wig in the after shot. That's the first red flag. :) The book reads like a kid wrote it, not a doctor… I suspect it was written by someone in a foreign language and then they put it thru an online translator… the grammar in it is off in so many places.

it's basically a regiment of foods to buy and eat in meals, foods that are supposed to "kill" 5AR and reduce dht, etc But even their recommendations are difficult to follow... they don't give you detailed lists and portions to eat like they suggest in their video, rather they discribe meals that you should consume… but it's not clear, are the meals they discribe supposed to be eaten once a day...? How about the other meals, do you try to include these ingredients? Many of the foods they suggest are ones you probably eat already, what they do is try and tell you that these particular foods have a special vitamin or ingredient that fights 5AR, and is suppose to be helpful overall. Very hazy.... If you have the book and then re-watch the video, you will see all the places they exaggerate and lie in the video. For example, they say it only costs you an extra $20 a month for the program. With all the varieties of foods they suggest you buy, and often they are suggesting organic foods, there's no way it will only cost you an extra $20. a month. So much of the book doesn't make any sense. If it really did work, and they had a bonafide revolutionary way to grow hair, they would give links to a site where people could show before/after results and a forum so members could praise the product. But what you get when you do a search on their "product" is a lot of links to "shill" sites that pretend to review the product but end up promoting it.

I think people like this get away with this type of stuff by saying "we absolutely super duper guarantee it to work or your money back." The key phrase is "or your money back". Because they are not really guaranteeing it to work, they're guaranteeing that you can get your money back if it doesn't. (which you can, the refund process is easy) They're hoping that you might think "heck it's only $29" and forget to ask for your money back. People like this are only in it for the money, they don't care about you... they pray on desperate guys.

This is the newest way of making money, publishing useless information, making exorbitant claims (or you money back) and seeing who falls for it. The people who sent me this offer often send similar offers, many times they look for books or publications that were written 100 years ago (so it would be hard to enforce copy-write law) and then send out a spam email offer (live forever, gain untold riches, etc) only $49. I checked out a few to find information/books written a century ago, and nothing like the video said it would be… thank god it was guaranteed. ;)

good luck in your search, don't be afraid to explore, and I hope you find what you're looking for…


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At least you can really get your money back. I once used a product that said the same thing. The product was a supplement and all they would refund you is for the unused portion. How the hell are you suppose to know if the product works if you don't use it? The product is still being sold and it is just a high dose of saw palmetto with a bunch of other useless vitamins.


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Let me guess, the programme includes a "miracle food" like the acai berry or some other garbage?

"One weird tip that will grow your hair back"

"Single mom discovers 8 tricks for full hair regrowth"

"6 things about hair loss the dermatologists don't want you to know"

If this crap actually did anything do you not think everyone would have heard about it?


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Actually, there was no miracle ingredient … here's a partial list… spinach, nuts, carrots, halibut, salmon, chicken, blueberries, bok choy, eggs, Greek yogurt…

here's a meal they recommend

  1. 2 ounces grilled chicken
  2. 2 ounces spinach
  3. 1 cup okra
  4. 1 stalk bok choy

so they go on like this with 30 meals that you can try each day, with different combinations… apparently with each meal you consume, you're going to be growing more and more hair :)

there was another product out there called "Keep That Hair"… it had a similar promotional video… they would say things in the video like "why waste your time with all these stupid, misleading solutions that you find on the Internet, our book is the definitive answer to your problem etc, etc." … but in the book the guy starts detailing every solution that is found on the Internet, and even recommends a wig if you're too far gone. Then in the final insult, he recommends putting heated olive oil on your scalp every night, because that's the solution to hairloss !!!! I'm all for free speech and all that, but these guys are complete scammers and should be locked up, because all this stuff is completely misleading.

there's a whole industry of scammers out there, it's becoming the new modern version of "send your money to a Nigerian prince" type of scam. If you're the type of person that has researched the Internet and has saved articles and info on a particular topic, they suggest you put that information into a book and then produce a hyped up video, hook up with Clickbank, and then spam the Internet and see what happens… The first few people to do this made a lot of money, because a lot of people couldn't be bothered to apply for the refund. But now the refund process is so simple, I can't see how they make any more money on this scam, but they're still doing it so who knows. Anyways, if you want a little bit of entertainment don't be afraid to purchase any of these products, just as long as you immediately apply for the refund when you get it. And make sure the original transaction is done through Clickbank because any other way, like Paypal or Visa, it might be difficult to get your money back.

oh and one more thing, in the "Rebuild Your Hair Program" video they say that if you want a refund just send an email to the address in the book and they will promptly send your money back. This is another lie, there is no email address in the book to apply for the refund. They think they're being clever by misdirecting you. You apply for the refund through Clickbank through a link in an email clickbank sends you on your transaction.

I guess you can't blame them for trying…. ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Google should do a service to humanity by putting this forum at the top of the search list when people do a search for these type of scam products… I came across this site about 3 pages deep when I was searching for testimonials for the Rebuild Your Hair Program … I thought there might be an outside chance of a forum of people who tryed it and had something to say about it.. instead I had to sift thru pages of shill sites pretending to review the product but ending up promoting it…

someone's got to contact Google and end the madness.... :)


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"why waste your time with all these stupid, misleading solutions that you find on the Internet, our book is the definitive answer to your problem etc, etc."


reminds me of this guy, I recommend watching it, its interesting and reflects the type of BS some guys on here believe


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reminds me of this guy, I recommend watching it, its interesting and reflects the type of BS some guys on here believe

Jesus Christ... That's just dangerous.

People are buying into this BS, delaying treatment and diagnosis of serious medical conditions.. I wouldn't be surprised if people have actually died from thinking they could cure their disease with herbs and waiting too long for medical attention.

He should be locked up.


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My Regimen
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Jesus Christ... That's just dangerous.

People are buying into this BS, delaying treatment and diagnosis of serious medical conditions.. I wouldn't be surprised if people have actually died from thinking they could cure their disease with herbs and waiting too long for medical attention.

He should be locked up.

he is, isn't getting out until 2022

baldness "cures" was one of the things he sold as well


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It's a joke

If you look at the photo on the book, it a photo of a guy that belongs to Hair Direct and he is wearing a hair piece they sell. If fact in the ad,they also show another guy's photo that also is a Hair Direct member.

Hey guys, new member here. I joined this forum because after having given up on ever having hair again, I saw a promo for a program that is supposed to make hair grow back by inhibiting 5AR thereby minimizing DHT production. Anyway this program is a $40 ebook by Jared Gates. I was wondering if anyone had any personal experience with this program before I spent my money on it. Christmas time has left my funds very low and I was trying to read some reviews of the program before I spent the last of my cash.
I know that it's unlikely the cure for baldness is only $40 so please only comment if you are actually familiar with the program.


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The Rebuild Book

I had to smile when I read your post - how to get the book at a discount, get the refund and then still have a PDF ( remind me never to write a book ! ). However I am curious about the content. By this I am interested to look through the technical side of the claims and see if technically anything in their can actually reduce DHT production by inhibiting 5AR ( Sorry by killing it :) !! ) . If you have time can you either shoot me over ( offboard ) some of the suggestions or give two or three foods example here.

I think we are all aware of Omega 3 and Zincs benefits so ignore those.


[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)][/COLOR]

I purchased the program and then got a refund a few days later... It's done thru clickbank so you just have to click on a link they send you when you purchase the product and they (clickbank) provide a refund no questions asked. When you go buy the product (for $39.) and try to leave the page it says "stay on the page for a special offer"… when you do, it says "wait, we can't let you go without trying the product... How about $29.?" You can still cancel later and get your money back and when you do, you still can keep the book because it's in digital form (PDF)

I bought the product because I was curious. I wanted to see how they pulled off the "guaranteed to give you a full head of hair" line with a straight face. The older guy on the cover of the book has a before and after picture... it's obviously an older looking bald guy in the before shot and an older looking bald guy with a fancy Hollywood hair type wig in the after shot. That's the first red flag. :) The book reads like a kid wrote it, not a doctor… I suspect it was written by someone in a foreign language and then they put it thru an online translator… the grammar in it is off in so many places.

it's basically a regiment of foods to buy and eat in meals, foods that are supposed to "kill" 5AR and reduce dht, etc But even their recommendations are difficult to follow... they don't give you detailed lists and portions to eat like they suggest in their video, rather they discribe meals that you should consume… but it's not clear, are the meals they discribe supposed to be eaten once a day...? How about the other meals, do you try to include these ingredients? Many of the foods they suggest are ones you probably eat already, what they do is try and tell you that these particular foods have a special vitamin or ingredient that fights 5AR, and is suppose to be helpful overall. Very hazy.... If you have the book and then re-watch the video, you will see all the places they exaggerate and lie in the video. For example, they say it only costs you an extra $20 a month for the program. With all the varieties of foods they suggest you buy, and often they are suggesting organic foods, there's no way it will only cost you an extra $20. a month. So much of the book doesn't make any sense. If it really did work, and they had a bonafide revolutionary way to grow hair, they would give links to a site where people could show before/after results and a forum so members could praise the product. But what you get when you do a search on their "product" is a lot of links to "shill" sites that pretend to review the product but end up promoting it.

I think people like this get away with this type of stuff by saying "we absolutely super duper guarantee it to work or your money back." The key phrase is "or your money back". Because they are not really guaranteeing it to work, they're guaranteeing that you can get your money back if it doesn't. (which you can, the refund process is easy) They're hoping that you might think "heck it's only $29" and forget to ask for your money back. People like this are only in it for the money, they don't care about you... they pray on desperate guys.

This is the newest way of making money, publishing useless information, making exorbitant claims (or you money back) and seeing who falls for it. The people who sent me this offer often send similar offers, many times they look for books or publications that were written 100 years ago (so it would be hard to enforce copy-write law) and then send out a spam email offer (live forever, gain untold riches, etc) only $49. I checked out a few to find information/books written a century ago, and nothing like the video said it would be… thank god it was guaranteed. ;)

good luck in your search, don't be afraid to explore, and I hope you find what you're looking for…


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These assholes count on your insecurity. Implying that women don't find baldies attractive or that somehow bald people are in some way inferior is utter nonsense. I keep my head close shaved and have done for 20 years. In that time I have been in relationships with some very attractive ladies, lead a full and active social life, play in a cool rock band and am confident around people. Baldness is NOT a barrier to life whatsoever so quit wasting your life worrying about it. Embrace the chrome dome and others will surely embrace it too. I wouldn't want to know anyone who is shallow enough to judge people by their appearance.


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It's disgusting how the con artists take advantage of desperate balding men.