The recent ABNORMAL surge in Gyno Posts

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I have noticed an extremely abnormal surge in the "Newbies" coming to this site, out of nowhere and posting that Propecia destroyed their lives, destroyed their wee wee's, or that they have Gyno.

While it is true that (barely) a statistically significant (meaning it barely hit the radar) percent of people get Gyno from Propecia (as per the clinical data), the immense number of random new users showing up here claiming to have it just seems downright fishy.

Awhile back a user from this site branched off and declared he was going to make the first site dedicated to "Guys whose lives were destroyed by Propecia". As usually happens, the founder of the site is fairly well intentioned, and he had my blessings. He always tried his best to say "This is just my experience, most people do not have these same problems". Unfortunately, he doesn't control the thoughts of all his users, and as expected, that site quickly became a center piece for a mix of legitimate complaints, sugar pill poppin placebo warriors, and terrified "worried-well's" ...

Check out this article: Managing the Worried Well

Posts began to appear here by guys acknowledging they were from this other web site, and that they felt an obligation to "share the news" and "warn people" about Propecia. The motive is well understood by this site. Trust me. I hear you guys loud and clear, but the reality is, creating the impression that Propecia causes damaging side effects in a HUGE number of people is flat out dishonesty, and you do more to harm the consumer public than help them.

But they wanted to spread the word. What word they're spreading was always a little unclear. Avoid Propecia entirely? "Yes... well no! wait.. maybe? I dont know, just know what it can do and you make your own decision!" ... is what we heard...

Propecia is one of only two clinically proven products on the market today. There aren't many options out there for us. Propecia deserves a fair shake. A fair shake meaning intelligent, well rounded people who look at the data and recognize the low risk of side effects. A fair shake means intelligent, well centered individuals trying the treatment for a few months, and simply stopping it if they don't tolerate it well.

Any posts that serve only to scare, harass, alarm, or persuade users from at least considering Propecia will be considered to be posts in opposition of the understood philosophies of treating hair loss. Not in the best interest of our users, in other words.

If I get any inkling that there is a concerted effort by the people from another organization coming here to try and turn our Propecia forum into a cesspool of paranoia, then posts will be removed.

You are always allowed to share your concerns, experiences, and frustrations. For the last 7 years anyone has been allowed to do exactly that right here. Its the psychotic obsessive weirdo's that usually ruin it for the rest of us... so we will be keeping an eye out.

Much love <3
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