The reverse krusty.



How many in this forum on finasteride has noticed less bodyhair? My next question is how many has less hair in the back of their neck? The last question is how many people feel that the hair on their sides are thinning.

What I´m really asking is - does finasteride create a reverse male pattern baldness pattern. I´m serious about this question and to follow that one up I want to add if so is it reversible?


Like a negative norwood 7?

i'm imagining a skull cap of hair and the back and sides bald. Is that what you mean?

Intersting theory but I doubt it would happen

I've always wondered that this could happen with early Hair transplants.

If someone with a small bald patch on the crown and temporal recession decides to have a hair transplant to fill in these areas, but continues to lose hair in the horseshoe area, he would look like he had a pair of horns and a skull cap on his head.

This would then mean he would have to have more and more hair transplant work done and end up with no donor area left, thus creating the negative norwood 7 you mentioned.

This puts me right off hair transplant's man!

Tynan, I bet you could knock a few pictures on photoshop of this, if you understand what i'm on about!?! :evil:


Established Member
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I've been wearing a negative NW7 for two years - it's called an "undercut". ;)

But of course the sides and back are shaved. It'd be interesting if Finasteride sooner or later managed to permanently shave them for me. :shock:


Experienced Member
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DHT is responsable for triggering body hair growth,. so yes, finasteride will have an effect. I'm sure it only goes so far tho.


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nesta said:
How many in this forum on finasteride has noticed less bodyhair? My next question is how many has less hair in the back of their neck? The last question is how many people feel that the hair on their sides are thinning.

What I´m really asking is - does finasteride create a reverse male pattern baldness pattern. I´m serious about this question and to follow that one up I want to add if so is it reversible?

The first sign of thinning that i noticed on me was on the sides.

as for body hair, i noticed an increase when i was deliberating if i was balding... but after i started finis, it has remained the same... althought i have seen still some increase in places