
the status on my use of propecia after 2 months


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since most people out there are so worried about starting propecia because of all teh horror stories, i'll just tell u whta the deal is in my experience. so i've been on it for 2 months now. i think i went through a shedding phase. i hae a white pillow and would count the number of hairs i'd lose every nite by counting them in the morning. i'd usually lose about 20 per nite. lately its been about 5-10 hairs per nite. i dont experience any sexual side effects. one thing that i do notice though is that i really dont get morning wood anymore. no balls aching, no lack of sexual desire, no watery semen.


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That's pretty common. I believe that EVERY man gets side effects from the drop in DHT, but most of the time it goes completely unnoticed because it was probably WAY high to begin with. I noticed a slight reduction in mojo, but it was welcome...who wants wood when you're 100 feet in the air suspended by nothing but a harness anyways (I do a lot of tower work for my job). Very uncomfortable :p

Sounds like you're coming across nicely...give it more time to see any positive results.


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i hear that.. i'm usually wayyy to horny. haha. another factor might be that i work out with weights regularly. i dont know. i feel like takin propecia has enhanced my muscles. is that crazy talk?


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It's the estrogen building up inside of you. Making you think crazy like a woman.


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where do you get your propecia from?

i need a site to get it without a prescription, as cheap as in the US.

thx and good luck :)


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I actually get it from

Took almost a month and a half to get to me though...but i bought enough fincar (generic proscar) to last me almost 6 months at 2.5mg a day...for like 60 bucks. It's legit too.