the truth about the mind's eye


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jan 12th
very interesting day. today i woke up with pretty good hair. i was like damn, its rare that i "wake up" and hair looks good. from a foot away, under the lights, you would NEVER think i was going bald at all. so i took a shower, used some shampoo (actually the hair thickener, it was an off day for nizoral), got out, as it dried. terrible hair day. dammit. is that my scalp you can see in the front from only a foot away? sh*t! i was getting depressed. perhaps these treatments aren't working. i put on a hat, and go to class. get home, take off the hat. the hat head reveals a terrible sight, hair looks like a f*****g cancer patient. so i take a shower, don't wash it. get out, cut a few "too long hairs" that i missed cutting it myself last time. let it dry. what the hell? it looks perfect. i go up super close to the mirror. i mess it up like crazy... still looks pretty damn sweet. i go over to a piece of paper and shake my hair for 30 seconds vigorously. only one hair falls. treatments are working, hair looks great and no fallout.

the moral of the story. i am a little crazy. other moral: a LOT can change how your hair looks other than treatments working, not working. your mind, your attitude, distance from the mirror, depression, looking at other full heads of hair all day, etc.

i came to the conclusion that the treatments ARE definitely working for me, my hair looks ridiculously good right now after only five months. you just have to roll with the ups and downs. it sucks, but you gotta deal.


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Trent said:
jan 12th
very interesting day. today i woke up with pretty good hair. i was like damn, its rare that i "wake up" and hair looks good. from a foot away, under the lights, you would NEVER think i was going bald at all. so i took a shower, used some shampoo (actually the hair thickener, it was an off day for nizoral), got out, as it dried. terrible hair day. dammit. is that my scalp you can see in the front from only a foot away? sh*t! i was getting depressed. perhaps these treatments aren't working. i put on a hat, and go to class. get home, take off the hat. the hat head reveals a terrible sight, hair looks like a f*****g cancer patient. so i take a shower, don't wash it. get out, cut a few "too long hairs" that i missed cutting it myself last time. let it dry. what the hell? it looks perfect. i go up super close to the mirror. i mess it up like crazy... still looks pretty damn sweet. i go over to a piece of paper and shake my hair for 30 seconds vigorously. only one hair falls. treatments are working, hair looks great and no fallout.

the moral of the story. i am a little crazy. other moral: a LOT can change how your hair looks other than treatments working, not working. your mind, your attitude, distance from the mirror, depression, looking at other full heads of hair all day, etc.

i came to the conclusion that the treatments ARE definitely working for me, my hair looks ridiculously good right now after only five months. you just have to roll with the ups and downs. it sucks, but you gotta deal.

Word of advice...STOP ALL THIS CRAZYNESS! :) Dude, getting out a white piece of paper and running your hands through your hair like a mad man, lets stop that. Let it be man, let it be..... Do your daily thing, and try not too worry to much. All in all, you do make a good point....mind over matter.



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I know what you mean - Crazy aye? how your air can go from looking great to sh*t in a matter of minutes. I was looking through some old photos before i starting thinning and my hair was looking sooo thick, but then there was this one photo taken at the same time and the my hair looked completely see through and this is well before male pattern baldness set in

So, why did i tell you that? because no matter how good your hair is sometimes the light or whatever it is just catches your head and makes your hair look bad. Thats why i never really get depressed if i look in the mirror and sometimes my hair looks like sh*t - If the treatments were not working or stopped working you would know about through constant shedding. :lol:


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Petchsky said:
If the treatments were not working or stopped working you would know about through constant shedding. :lol:

Not true my friend......shedding is normal, its the regrowth you should worry about. If a hair sheds and grows thicker and thicker....bam its working. If it sheds and the hair grows smaller and less pigmented...bam time to re-evaluate your regimen :)



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brasileirao said:
Petchsky said:
If the treatments were not working or stopped working you would know about through constant shedding. :lol:

If it sheds and the hair grows smaller and less pigmented...bam time to re-evaluate your regimen :)


Thats what i mean :D Cheers


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brasileirao said:
Petchsky said:
If the treatments were not working or stopped working you would know about through constant shedding. :lol:

Not true my friend......shedding is normal, its the regrowth you should worry about. If a hair sheds and grows thicker and thicker....bam its working. If it sheds and the hair grows smaller and less pigmented...bam time to re-evaluate your regimen :)


Excellent advice, Tony.