The Unusual Case Of Androgenetic Alopecia. 16yo. The Hairline Does Not Deteriorate, But The Hair Loo


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At the age of 16, I noticed that my hair in the front and in the part became thin. I couldn't stack them. I thought I just burned them with a hairdryer. But when in 2 years they did not become thicker and stronger, I made a phototrichogram and realized that I had Androgenetic Alopecia
My growth line has not receded, thinning is the only thing that worries me. The hair density did not change either, only thinner and weaker hair. From the forehead 5 cm deep + parting line
I drink finasteride 0.5mg for a month. But I know it doesn't work well in the frontal area. Moreover, it will suppress DHT, but testosterone will continue to destroy follicles

I want not to stop baldness. I want to improve the quality of my hair. Make hair thick, shiny and strong. Is it possible?

I am now 18 years old. I drink Finasteride 0.5mg and hope for a miracle. This thin hair is unmanageable, so I want to make it thick and strong like before.
Ideal: improve the quality of the front hair and stay there until 30 years old (but better until old age)


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Hair looks thick and full to me. I don't see any sign of diffuse thinning. You can apply Minixodil to your scalp to promote regrowth and combine that with a dermaroller. I don't see what else you can do, since your hair looks fine to begin with.


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Hair looks thick and full to me. I don't see any sign of diffuse thinning. You can apply Minixodil to your scalp to promote regrowth and combine that with a dermaroller. I don't see what else you can do, since your hair looks fine to begin with.
It is clearly seen that my hair is weak, thin. This is the thinning of the Androgenetic Alopecia

Equal Rights

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Honestly, your hair does look great. Russians do go bald often though. Get a hair catcher and when you wash your head daily, if the number of hairs lost is under 50 then I think you are good, especially considering how dense your hair is 50 is literally nothing. Do the following side effect free things; get nizoral shampoo and use it twice a week, microneedle once a week, and drink castor oil 3-5ml per day, also apply castor oil onto your scalp the night of microneedling (don't know how effective it is topically once a week though). You can also add 1ml per day of pumpkin seed oil, one study showed increase in hair density in non Androgenetic Alopecia subjects as far as i remember. From what I can think off, these will be the most hassle-free methods of improving your hair. Taking sh*t orally daily is easy, and dont be complaining about microneedling and castor oil once a week. You can also add stemoxydine, but that's a solution you apply daily to your scalp, considering your strong density i don't know if you want to bother with it, usually doesn't help people too much either. After doing all of the above, evaluate how your hair looks after 6-8months and maybe consider adding more, but seeing how that took 2 years I doubt you will need to.


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[QUOTE = "Equal Rights, сообщение: 1911668, участник: 147408"] Честно говоря, у вас прекрасные волосы. Но русские часто лысеют. Возьмите ловушку для волос и, когда вы каждый день моете голову, если количество выпавших волос меньше 50, я думаю, вы в порядке, особенно учитывая, насколько густые ваши волосы 50 - это буквально ничто. Сделайте следующие действия без побочных эффектов; возьмите шампунь низорал и используйте его два раза в неделю, микроиглы один раз в неделю и пейте касторовое масло 3-5 мл в день, также нанесите касторовое масло на кожу головы в ночь после использования микроиглы (хотя не знаю, насколько эффективно оно местно раз в неделю) ). Вы также можете добавлять 1 мл масла семян тыквы в день, одно исследование показало увеличение густоты волос у субъектов, не страдающих андрогенетической алопецией, насколько я помню. Насколько я могу судить, это будут самые простые методы улучшения ваших волос. Принимать дерьмо ежедневно легко, и не жалуйтесь на микронидлинг и касторовое масло один раз в неделю. Вы также можете добавить стемоксидин, но это раствор, который вы наносите ежедневно на кожу головы, учитывая вашу высокую плотность, я не знаю, хотите ли вы возиться с ним, обычно тоже не слишком помогает людям. После выполнения всего вышеперечисленного оцените, как ваши волосы будут выглядеть через 6-8 месяцев, и, возможно, подумайте о том, чтобы добавить еще, но, учитывая, что это заняло 2 года, я сомневаюсь, что вам это понадобится.

Я азиат, лол. As I said, I have a confirmed diagnosis. I got a Phototrichogram. The amount of vellus hair in telogen is 30%, everything is obvious

Equal Rights

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That is why i gave you a regimen that will most likely either slow your hairloss or maybe even regrow some. With it you will already be doing more than half the people on this forum. So before you jump onto stronger 5aris, mnx or AAs, try the above for a year. If after a 6-8m you are not holding it, you can add zix (zinc+B6) for more scalp dht blocking, or minoxidil for regrowth. What you will realize is that for most people fighting this, its the fight to maintain and a hope for a miracle of regrowth which rarely happens.


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If you use such stupid and untested means, having hair is truly a miracle. Even finasteride does not always work, but you suggest this nonsense