Ill try to keep this as short and too the point as possible but I want to share with you all how I dealt with balding at 23 (I was a Norwood 4 with the cute little island of hair forming at the front!)
Balding hits you hard emotionally no matter what age you are, but when your late teens/early 20s it can be especially tough with image being such a big deal.
Now I personally don’t feel that medication really does solve the issue, not mentally so you can truly be happy with who you are. And that’s what we all want right? To be happy with who we are and the way we look!
Going bald is like being dealt a sh*t hand in poker, you can whine and b**ch about how bad you have it or you can play your hand as best as you can.
Basically you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself over something you have zero control over and start looking for ways in which you can improve the things you can control.
What do you do? BUZZ IT AND OWN IT!!
This is however easier said then done as it will plunge you right out of your comfort zone! These are the things I did to help me take that terrifying decision.
I mean it’s not going to grow your hair back, but balding caused a fair bit of anxiousness for me. Like you start over thinking it and drawing out the worst case scenario in your head. For example your baldness will mean you will never have a relationship again and that you will die alone or you think everyone’s looking at your hairline. These crippling thoughts can largely be kept at bay through meditation, plus meditation has so many benefits!
I started by downloading an app on android (I’m sure it’s on Apple too) called Headspace and it has a great introduction to meditation, it really helped and still helps me!
Upgrading your style (how you dress)
I used to dress like sh*t, I didn’t really care. Then I started doing homework on YouTube found some great channels on men’s fashion, and applied what I learnt into how I dress. When you dress well it gives you a massive boost of confidence, you carry yourself well and people see that. I know this doesn’t really solve the balding situation but it’s all about the bigger picture.
YouTube Channels:
Alpha m.
Ashley Weston
Definitely the hardest but also the most important. One of the biggest fears for guys going bald is the thought of never being able to get into a relationship due to their lack of hair! This is bullshit, it’s not your lack of hair it’s your lack of confidence from your lack of hair, and it does look like a viscous cycle but it CAN be broken. This is something that will develop over time when you start applying the other tips - the first guy has excellent techniques on confidence building.
YouTube Channels:
Charisma On Command
Social status
A lot of guys who lack confidence are of a low social status, and upping your social status is actually a lot easier than you might think. It’s not really to do with how much money you have or if you’re a CEO of a company - it’s your social and communication skills. The guys channel who I’m going to post has drastically changed my life in the space of 6 months! You have to action the techniques he teaches but when it all suddenly makes sense you go into social interactions with a totally different mindset and it turns into a game! This alone massively boosts your confidence, his eye contact videos are a good place to start.
YouTube Channels:
The Charisma Matrix
This is my next step now - to bulk up! If your muscular with a bald head you f*****g emit masculinity, and your confidence will just sky rocket and you won’t even think about your lack of hair. Like no one will care or f*** with your sh*t!
Self Help Books
So I downloaded an app called Audible a couple of months ago, which is for audio books. Now I’m not a big reader in anyway, so I found this worked well for me to be able to just sit and listen. I haven’t gone through many books but I can really highly recommend:
How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
The Subtly Art Of Not Giving A f*** by Mark Manson
They have really interesting content and it’s easily applicable to your life!
Remember this all adds to help confidence and it’s confidence which is going to enable you to embrace the buzz!
I buzzed my head to a one 2 weeks ago and I never looked back, it was the best decision I made, it was like shaving off an insecurity. The first week is hard, people have to adjust to your new look, I work as a bartender so I’m constantly on view, and it was NOWHERE near as bad as I thought it would be!
I apologise for my poor grammar as I don’t really post but I hope who ever reads this can take something from it and better their lives like I did.
Feel free to message me
Kisses x