Therapy G shampoo


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I don't think anyone has discussed this. And if so it gotta be too little that I havent noticed it. I bought this shampoo from a store that sold it and ive used half of it on and off.. so Im not sure how good it is. But it clearly states on the bottle that it eliminates DHT. Today for the first time I searched for it online and I thought of mentioning this here for you guys, you know something to think about. is the site.. hope somebody would benefit from it. The site is designed poorly and very brief really. If you go to the QAF you would read some of the ingredients used in the products...are these good or not?

So feedback guys, feedback!


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No shampoo can eliminate DHT from your scalp, because it does'nt stay long enough on your scalp.

Maby it's a good shampoo to keep your scalp clean and give volume to your hairs.

If they say it removes DHT then it's a scam like Nioxin. They made me waste my money for a year :eek:

There a some topicals with azleic acid, zinc and B6 that pretend to do so.

But there are no study to prove that yet.

If you want to eliminate some DHT from you scalp you better use proprecia or proscar cut-ups wich are less expensive.

You have many studies on propecia and DHT removal :)

check this out


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Well, ill finish the rest of the bottle anyways.. and i do leave it like 5 minutes.. maybe i should try 30 min or so.. would that be long enough?

just a thought.

If its gonna reduce the sheddings in 30 days thats awesome, in my opinion.