


I think I need therapy. It is starting to interfere with my daily life. How can we not be in therapy. What I hate most about this (Androgenetic Alopecia) is you can not fix it. I know their are worst things out there. But I feel I could deal with any problem if I only had my hair. That is not good thinking on my part. The loss of my hair is consuming me. I HATE IT!!! OK I hope this is my last vent session. Once again thanks for listening. Teester (teester1)
I forgot to log in berfore writing this.


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Okay Teester....deep breath....
I find when it consumes me...the one thing I do is not look in the mirror or feel my hair...and quickly do something else. If it means that you have to leave the house and go for a walk...sometimes the fresh air can clear your mind.... Or call a friend and yack about something non-relivant....


Teester- if you feel you need therapy, go for it. I think therapy is underrated and everyone could use some :)

Another thought-- you said you feel like you could deal with any problem if you had hair. Think about your life before this all started. Was it perfect even though you had a full head of hair? Mine definitely wasn't...