There are excellent alternatives to rogaine and propecia


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At least that's what another dumbass article about hair loss would have you believe:

This one was written by a dermatologist (Dr. Jacknin) and appeared in this subscription publication called BottomLine Health. It was the January 2005 issue.

Now, this is a reputable health publication. The title of the article is "Natural Remedies To Beat Hair Loss---Both men and women get results--without side effects."

What is that title trying to impart? That minoxidil and finasteride have side effects and these natural remedies don't. Therefore, what? It's better to try the natural remedies first. Right? Or, it makes more sense to take the natural remedies.

So after mentioning minoxidil and finasteride and saying that minoxidil "can cause a rash" and finasteride "can inhibit erections and sex drive" she goes on to recommend primarily two things: saw palmetto and procyanidin B-3. Then she has a little blurb about how Revivogen and Crinagen both contain saw palmetto and procyanidin B-3. And she includes links to their websites and phone numbers. At the very end she devotes two paragraphs to AROMATHERAPY, claiming aromatherapy "can increase blood flow to the scalp." (You rub cayenne and rosemary oils into your scalp.)

She cites ONE study of saw palmetto involving 19 men. Then she cites ONE study involving procyanidin B-3, saying "procyanidin B-3 outperformed the control group by 140%." GREAT!!! What was in the control group? And it's 140% of what?

I just wonder how many poor saps are going to waste time on saw palmetto now instead of trying finasteride and minoxidil.

Her name was Jeanette Jacknin. It said she was a board-certified dermatologist and member of the board of directors of the Physician Skin Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona.


Senior Member
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Wow that's ridiculous.

There sure are a lot of idiots in the health care profession... rich idiots.


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helpmefindmyhair said:
Then she has a little blurb about how Revivogen and Crinagen both contain saw palmetto and procyanidin B-3.
It absolutely KILLS me that people still think Saw Palmetto is the key ingredient in Revivogen and Crinagen. If you were to sit the data on SawP next to the data on the Fatty Acids in Revivogen side by side, there would be no comparison. Truly, .... Verily I say unto you .... It is the Fatty Acids in Revivogen which are so potent at doing what they do, and which have been tested topically and shown to inhibit DHT locally!

Spread the word!


Dear Avatarless

Is there any easily avaliable Fatty Acids we could buy and smear on our heads?

Which is better Omega 3, 6 or 12, these are long chained fatty acids we are talking about here?

I have orgainc Linseed (flax) oil in my fridge as we speak, any good?


Senior Member
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No wonder people are clueless about hairloss... People tend to believe
things written by medical practitioners to be true. Just shows how you have to question everything.

Also in adittion to Ty's questions, does taking Omega fish oils help in terms of DHT reduction?
