There are worse things than losing your hair....


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I wouldn't have touched on this subject if it wasn't for the many youngster who say they want to kill themselves because they are going bald. I respect you. I understand your pain. I also had a spell on alt.suicide.holidays. I have been kinda suicidal for 11 years and severely depressed for almost 30 years, you do the math.

If you want some reasons to cheer up and think that there's somebody out there in worse conditions that you:

  • 1) Lost my parents in very tender age
    2) Grown up with sh*t relatives who robbed me
    3) Bullied at school. (ok this is not uncommon)
    4) Never had a proper relationship with a woman
    5) Of all the improper relationships none with love and sex at the same time, and most of the time the sex was sh*t (impotence or anxiety)
    6) Stopped studying because of depression
    7) Spent all money on therapists because of depression
    8) Can't keep a job because of depression and bullied by bosses because I'm weak
    9) Secretly and desperately in love with girl half my age (legal age, very cute!) but she realized it and freaked out (altough not overtly rejected me, so I am still delusional about this!)
    10) Gray beard grown almost of a sudden, I look 15 yrs older overnight!
    11) My flatmates are picking on me because I'm weak (see point 8)
    12) What more?

So, happy! Happy!

Edit: I have changed the title because it might have been misinterpreted. I didn't want to invite anybody to kill themseleves. I just wanted to point to the fact that some people might have worse problems.


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

But as long as you have your health if it really comes down to it you could always move away wipe the past clean from your mind and start again. There are always going to be terminally ill or elderly people who would give anything to be in your situation.

Even if nothing good ever comes from your life at least you shouldd stick around just to see what the future will bring.


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

vauxall said:
7) Spent all money on therapists because of depression

Did it work? I'm guessing not...

(western) psychotherapy is bollocks imo. Psycologists just can't seem to let go of that dogma about the supposed merit of pouring over your childhood or past events in order to sort your life out. So f*cking boring.

I think most psychologists know that they're training is a bunch of useless twoddle that can't help people. I bet patients who get better did so for reasons other than the skill of their therapist. I spent a number of years doing it, completely fruitless.

the end solution was free of charge and not nearly as boring.


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

I agree aussie, I went to one years back and got nothing out of it other than a bill and some meds.

Vauxall I have a good number of those problems too brother. Yeah life is a shyt sandwich at times but somehow we go on. I myself over the past ten years have had one crap job after the next with poor pay and stress.Now I'm unemployed living at home at 33 with my parents in a cramped apartment. The one girl I loved and was dating online found out I was bald and left me instantly. All my friends are married and don't hang out anymore, i have my self and my computer now.

Like saf said there is always someone worse off, although that does not mean our situations and pain warrant a smile. You just somehow go on and hope there's a light ahead. As morgan freeman says in the movie shawshank redemption, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

unlocked after a few requests but I hate this title. is a democracy : )


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

You guys act like therapists you should do all the work for you. You forgot the only one who can really help you is yourself. Therapists help guide you along the way. For me, if I hadn't seen therapists then I could guarantee you I would actually be dead.


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

aussieavodart said:
Psycologists just can't seem to let go of that dogma about the supposed merit of pouring over your childhood or past events in order to sort your life out.

What are you supposed to pour over your childhood? Water? Milk? Piss? :)


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

Bryan said:
aussieavodart said:
Psycologists just can't seem to let go of that dogma about the supposed merit of pouring over your childhood or past events in order to sort your life out.

What are you supposed to pour over your childhood? Water? Milk? Piss? :)

Blood! :smack:


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Re: Now, talking about really GOOD reasons to consider suicide

Go to Church!! God loves you! :) :innocent:


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I have changed the title because it might have been misinterpreted. I didn't want to invite anybody to kill themseleves. I just wanted to point to the fact that some people might have worse problems. It was meant to be ironic but it backfired. By the way what i wrote about what happened to me was real.

But let's stop talking about me and now for more important things: will Peter Andre and Jordan marry again?