There needs tobe a thank you button after a person's post


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ui think it would be a cool idea to have the ability to check a box that says thanks and allow a persons profile and the side of their messages to display a number of 'thanks' so as to allow others to better gauge the value of a persons posts. i find a few of the posters on here may or may not know about what they are preaching... they are few and far between though! im just rambling.


Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:41 am
Posts: 24
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the number of thanks would refer to a posters posting career.


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cassin said:
What if someone who is clueless clicks helpful for someone who made a terrible post?

This is a huge problem on other sites, where people say in their signatures, "Thank me. I thank back. Unthank me, I unthank you back." The site lets you see who thanked you or unthanked you, so you can thank them accordingly instead of according to the quality of their posts. I even made a thread about it and got lots of unthanks.


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I don't like that feature on other forums. :thumbdown2:

It's silly and distracting.


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