There NO current FDA trials for male pattern baldness?!?


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I did a search on "hair loss" and "alopecia" on this site I found:

And found NOTHING for androgenic alopecia. There are currently two trials for alopecia areata. WTF!!! What aren't there any studies for male pattern baldness???


Products still may be going through development and research, but just not at the FDA stage yet.


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Again, this is Lexington saying that Lexington is conducting clinical trials. I've yet to see a link to any actual FDA trial name/number or any published reports in a peer reviewed scientific journal. Have these guys presented any study findings at any scientific conferences?

Listen, I'm not saying the thing doesn't work. I hope to hell it's the cure-all we've been waiting for. But until I see some hard evidence rather than keen salesmanship, I won't buy into the hype.

Didn't these guys "start" their clinical trials in April 2002? That means we're going on almost 3 years, and in that forum link Michaels says: "In the meantime we will find out what the legalities are of publishing the clinical data on this site."

Companies publish clinical data all the time, what legalities is he talking about? sh*t, how do you think biotechs get more funding to proceed further into trials?


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You asked for a reference to the FDA trials. I supplied that. You would have to ask Lexington for further details.


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elguapo said:
And found NOTHING for androgenic alopecia. There are currently two trials for alopecia areata. WTF!!! What aren't there any studies for male pattern baldness???
Bummer isn't it? The majority of research right now is heading towards follicular multiplication (follicle cloning) and related technologies. There are several major organizations conducting studies and working out the kinks. Many feel that treatments are not the wave of the future in hair loss, but new surgical techniques.

Even when that day comes however, responsible doctors will continue to direct people to Propecia and Rogaine and any other newly introduced treatments before going the surgical route... depending upon how invasive the procedures are. One of their goals is eliminating the invasiveness. I still am not sold on hair transplants looking 100% real though. Even the best of them I can spot.

They are a great alternative for some guys, but no doubt, maintenance with products will be a standard method for many many years to come. Nothing quite as good as keeping your own hair. It's too bad there aren't more research projects underway for male pattern baldness treatments.


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Since the LC is something that I personally use in my regimen, I was curious and searched the web for another link other than from the makers of the LC, that addresses the FDA trials in the USA. Interestingly enough, there is a current (1/17/05) news bit about the plus side of the LC. Here's the link to that story...



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Greg.......there's nothing current about that article. It's from 2003. Maybe you linked the wrong page? I searched that site and the most current article was from 01/04.


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BadHairDecade, my bad, you're right, I overlooked what you noticed:)
