There should be a hair transplant tax

Lloyd Braun

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People in our society ought to pay a small tax every year that goes into a fund for genetic hair loss treatment whereby, any man or woman needing hair restoration work or medicine can use such funds to obtain the needed treatments.The fund would cover 90% of all treatment cost for any person who qualifies. I would use this to get a hairline transplant for myself. I think all Americans should have the right to a decent hairline. It just isn't fair that we have the Sean Hannity's of the world and the Dick Cheney's of the world, both with grossly unequal amounts of head hair due to no fault of their own. For those who think this post is a joke, it is not. I'm serious and I want to stimulate serious discussion. Thanks.


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Lloyd Braun said:
People in our society ought to pay a small tax every year that goes into a fund for genetic hair loss treatment whereby, any man or woman needing hair restoration work or medicine can use such funds to obtain the needed treatments.The fund would cover 90% of all treatment cost for any person who qualifies. I would use this to get a hairline transplant for myself. I think all Americans should have the right to a decent hairline. It just isn't fair that we have the Sean Hannity's of the world and the Dick Cheney's of the world, both with grossly unequal amounts of head hair due to no fault of their own. For those who think this post is a joke, it is not. I'm serious and I want to stimulate serious discussion. Thanks.

Your free 'hairline' transplant will be available in 2053 after the millions of UCman's of this world have had their real baldness treated.

BTW this reminds me of a Judge Dredd comic strip I saw where Megacity ones hair removal lotion factory exploded and created 1000's of baldies. The city set up mobile hair regeneration units and fixed the problem in a few hours.
2000AD huh? if only.

Lloyd Braun

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My baldness would actually be ideal as far as hair surgery working. Bald bald guys need to wait until hair follicles can be cloned. Me? If I just got 1,000 hair follicles transplanted to help make my hairline more symmetrical and not as sharply angled back I would be in a great hair situation. The rest of my hair is okay but I'm not content just because maybe about 10% of young men my age are worse off in the hair department.

Lloyd Braun

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elliotramsey said:
Lloyd Braun is emotionally unstable. If he asks you to buy the gum, then BUY THE GUM!!!!

$100 worth of Chinese gum no less... Am I crazy or is that a lot of gum?


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Lloyd Braun said:
TheGrayMan2001 said:
lol Lloyd you know you're kidding ;)

It does sound like it but I'm serious. I plan to write an op-ed on this in my college newspaper but I am going to do it in the April Fools day issue so that I can get away with it. We put the spoof articles upside down but I won't put this one upside down. Is that a great plan or what?

Is'nt that like image suicide? (if you're noticibly balding)

Lloyd Braun

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Rival said:
Lloyd Braun said:
If I just got 1,000 hair follicles transplanted to help make my hairline more symmetrical and not as sharply angled back I would be in a great hair situation. \

That wouldn't even cost you that much, maybe a few grand?

Why don't you just pay this yourself and then hairloss problem is solved?

I'm confused

First of all, I want a good hairline because of good genetics. No transplant can bring me there. Second, every penny I have or will earn needs to go to law school tuition, wouldn't you say? I find myself wanting to not go to law school and instead get a career so that I will be able to get a hair transplant. But I really don't want to let my hairline be the reason my destiny as a lawyer goes unfulfilled. There is some point where I have to take command of the situation.