These 4 Supermarket Items Brought My Hair Back


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I have AA and have had it since my teens.

It vascillates between fairly ok and nearly bald.

About 6 months ago, my doctor prescribed a skin medication with propylene glycol in it that I am very allergic to. I thought he had checked my chart so I didn't do my due diligence. It was only after I went to the second tube that I noticed. Also by that time, I was almost completely bald.

I've always been able to get by with using extensions and pony tails, etc. This time, I had nothing except a full wig or scarf to wear.

Here are the 4 ingredients that I've used:

1.) Coconut oil 16 TSP
2.) Apple Cider Vinegar 4 TSP
3.) Almond Oil 8 TSP
4.) 1 Whole orange
(Check with your doctor that you can put all these things on your scalp)

I have nothing to gain by giving out the youtube or the ingredients or anything, I'm just someone wishing the best for all of us just trying to find something that will work.

Please let me know what you think!

All my best,


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The community as a whole is very skeptical of natural remedies, because most of them are snake oil and not investigated rigorously. It may work very well for one person but mean nothing.


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I understand. We put out so much money and hope only to be let down once again. I wanted to give out my blog to describe my full routine and that was not allowed,

Perhaps tomorrow I can put in more info on how I do this and I guess I understand how this would be considered suspect. However, for just pennies, isn't it worth a try?


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It's pennies and time, pennies and time which could be spent on any of hundreds of treatments that look similar and have 1 or 2 anecdotal success. People are also bitter about false hope.

Your best bet to be convincing is with before and after photos.

By the way the propylene glycol issue you had was with minoxidil. Minoxidil doesn't need to be dissolved in PG, that's just a standard choice.


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Well David...thank you so much for making me feel like crap. Hair loss is hard for anyone however do you have any idea what it's like for a teen age girl to realize she's going bald? It's awful and it's NOT just hair. I couldn't put my page on. The moderators wouldn't let me. I'll try now. It's haute curvy woman. My latest post. It has the pictures for what my journey has been for 3 months. However I will not try to force my "snake oil" on anyone because there is so much for me to gain


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There's no reason for you to feel like crap.

I'm telling you why people will be skeptical and what you need to do to manage skepticism.

For you, you may have a life story, but to everybody else you're an anonymous internet user. It's normal that you encounter skepticism. Trust me you'd rather live in a world where people are skeptical.

To upload photos, I suggest hotlinking them from photobucket or facebook.


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Are you aware of the latest advancements regarding alopecia areata disorders? You could regrow all your hair now, quite possibly.....

AFAIK some pharmacies are already compounding topical JAK inhibitors. You'll need to speak with your doctor about it though...

Topical tofacitinib for alopecia areata. Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) is an oral Janus kinase inhibitor (JAK) approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Sidbury has a compounding pharmacy make topical tofacitinib 2% in a liposomal base, which achieves better penetration than Versabase. He recommends Chemistry Rx in Philadelphia for compounding.

“I have no financial interest, I’ve just found them incredibly helpful. The cost is $330 for 30 g. That’s not dirt cheap by a long shot, but I’ve looked into this for parents before I was aware of the Chemistry Rx option, and the cost was thousands and thousands of dollars when I tried to get it compounded in a local pharmacy that didn’t have the economy of scale,” he said.

Patients apply the topical JAK inhibitor twice daily. “I’ve probably got six or seven kids on topical JAK inhibitor therapy for alopecia areata, and I’ve seen responses in all of them after having pretty much exhausted everything else,” according to the dermatologist.

He said he obtains a baseline CBC, liver enzyme levels, serum creatinine, and lipid levels, repeating the lab tests every 2 weeks initially, then monthly.


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There's no reason for you to feel like crap.

I'm telling you why people will be skeptical and what you need to do to manage skepticism.

For you, you may have a life story, but to everybody else you're an anonymous internet user. It's normal that you encounter skepticism. Trust me you'd rather live in a world where people are skeptical.

To upload photos, I suggest hotlinking them from photobucket or facebook.


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image.jpeg image.jpeg Ok. I'm going to try to upload my pics. These are tKen 3 months apart: obviously the one on the right is my before pic. If anyone wants more info I'm happy to tell you what I did.


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I have AA and have had it since my teens.

It vascillates between fairly ok and nearly bald.

About 6 months ago, my doctor prescribed a skin medication with propylene glycol in it that I am very allergic to. I thought he had checked my chart so I didn't do my due diligence. It was only after I went to the second tube that I noticed. Also by that time, I was almost completely bald.

I've always been able to get by with using extensions and pony tails, etc. This time, I had nothing except a full wig or scarf to wear.

Here are the 4 ingredients that I've used:

1.) Coconut oil 16 TSP
2.) Apple Cider Vinegar 4 TSP
3.) Almond Oil 8 TSP
4.) 1 Whole orange
(Check with your doctor that you can put all these things on your scalp)

I have nothing to gain by giving out the youtube or the ingredients or anything, I'm just someone wishing the best for all of us just trying to find something that will work.

Please let me know what you think!

All my best,
Very good Tovah, congratulations,
you done very good jod.

You know you have used two very stark Pgd2 blockers for women Hairloss.
And these blockers are in apple venigar
and in
Almond oil.

I will tell you an Pge2 agonists that will give you even better results,
Mint gels from now foods.

This Therapy is only for Women(not for men) with high Oestrone.

Did you measure your Hormones?
Do you have levels of Oestrone?


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Hi George
Yes I have had all kinds of tests done
Thank you for your kind post. I truly appreciate it
Anyway that will be my last post on what has worked for for me. So...lesson learned.