Thickening and Maintenance - Would You Choose minoxidil or spironolactone

Thinning Sucks

Experienced Member
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I have diffuse thinning all over and have been using minoxidil since 1983 (on and off, recently 5% consistent) and propecia since 1999. I am no longer just maintaining an d the hair is getting thinner and thinner all over.

Thinking if minoxidil is not helping at all. Want to try spironolactone 2%. If you had a choice, would spironolactone be better for maintenenace and thickening? I am way past new hairs coming in I believe, thus is spironolactone a better option for thickening the hair I have? minoxidil is not really for thickening the current hairs is it?

I want to go on just one of these.....