Thin shaft base?


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I was just wondering what it means when you lose a hair that's black and thick the top, and seems to thin out and turn blonde near the bottom? Does this mean the follicle was damaged by DHT over time? Since I'm taking finasteride, will this process (hopefully) reverse? Or is this something totally different?


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I have the same issue and some of my hairs are totally blonde now, but still grow long. I do think that these are hairs that are slowly being damaged. On the other hand I also believe that these hairs will respond best to the treatment since they are in the process of being miniturized but still grow long. Anyone else have a thought or two?



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Yea, I have a couple blonde hairs myself. I've also noticed that some of my other hairs are just not quite thick enough to be very visible anymore. Close examination shows that I have a few almost invisible hairs stuck in between all the rest (not quite vellus though), which I hope will also respond to treatment. I can't wait for the day when I see positive results :)


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I would have to say this is a sign of hairloss. My hairs have been completely losing pigment and thickness over about 1-1/2 inches and my hair as continued to thin. Best of luck with Finasteride.