think happy thoughts?


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theres a buttload of information here, real information, not kooky remedies. And a buttload of extremely kind helpful people.... but in the 2 days i've discovered this forum (and i'm so glad i did). I've found mysef getting way more anxious about the hair thing, its the horror story threads that stick in my mind... and that's gotta be bad for the hair.

how do you guys drown it out... is it beacuse i'm just starting to get worried that i feel so "BALAARRRGH"?


Senior Member
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Try to keep yourself busy, try to do something you enjoy and most importantly try your best not to think about it 24/7

Very hard to do indeed, but worth a try.


Experienced Member
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I think most (if not all) of those horror stories about shedding, meds not working etc. come from people who just plainly freak out. I remember a guy who used to post here not so long ago, he freaked out before taking finasteride and thought he was going to get tits from it and woe and behold, when he started taking it he assured everyone his nipples were sore but yet wasn't even sure about it. Just goes to show you need to be very extra careful on what you read, doesn't mean side effects don't exist but its a far fetch from reality most of the times.


Everybody is different when it comes to treating hairloss whether it be the rate of success or the side effects. You can only find out yourself!