Thinkin of stopping the finasteride!! Dunno what to do! HELP


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Been on About 1mg of finasteride now for about 4 months and my hair looks nothing better,pretty much the same as it always was!

Here's my case since I'm new here! About 9 months ago I noticed a severe case of dandruff coming along, so bad that I had to go to the Doctor to get it checked out. He prescribed me Nizoral, of which I only used for about a week and a half until I decided it wasn't working and then I dropped it!(BIG MISTAKE). Anyway about three months later ON THE DAY of my 19th birthday I noticed and extreme shed.. I was combing my hair and TONS of hair was falling out.. I almost passed out seeing this! :shock: Anyway I emmediately assumed this was hairloss and went to the Doctor for blood tests and everything checked out fine! He then decided to put me on finasteride to see how things would work to decrease the shedding. At this time I also started using Nizoral(again) and t-gel. After about a month I lost about 85% of my dandruff problem and my shedding also decreased by about 60% or so.

Anyway for the last few months my hair has shed a bit but nothing compared to six months ago and my hair shows no signs of male pattern baldness as me and the Doctor assume that this is diffuse thinning. Lately this has been eatin away at me in whether I should keep using finasteride to see what happens.. I'm scared that my shedding will return and as I am such a young guy I don't know what to do!

My question to you guys is What Would YOU do in my case??? should I keep truckin with the finasteride or should I stop and see what happens? I am in a fear that if I wasn't experiencing male pattern baldness then if its possible that the finasteride could alter my DHT levels and actually promote hairloss when I stop it? or even stopping finasteride could cause sudden horomone changes with greater production of DHT causing more shedding and side effects!

PLEASE guys help me out here cause I REALLY dont know what to do! I personally KNOW that finasteride does work, my cousin has almost been on it for 6 years and his hair is amazing... infact his hairloss is undetectable and I find myself jealous of his hair compared to mine! He's only 25 now!

ANY advise would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks