Thinking about a hair transplant


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Most of you guys know my story. I'm 23, 24 in November, with NW2.5ish temples. No loss or miniaturization anywhere else. I've been on finasteride for almost 3 months now and plan on staying on it for the long haul.

My reason for wanting the hair transplant is that I absolute hate my temples. I cannot properly style my hair, as it is straight and fairly thin. If I get a short cut, I have obvious recession (think Johnny Knoxville). If I leave it long, I have to resort to strange comb overs/comb forwards to make it look decent.

I've done my research, and I feel like I could get by with 1500 FUE into my temples to give me a solid NW2 hairline. That alone would improve my looks, as it would lessen the appearance of the "island" of hair and make it more of a normal mature hairline.

I say my hair is thin, but honestly that is only true in frontal area, as I've always had a fairly sparse fringe but the back of my hair (donor area) grows out very bushy and thick. I'd like to think that means I would have good donor density, but I can't know for certain.

Anyway, I likely won't consider having anything done until I'm at least 25, as that will give finasteride about 2 years to work and stabilize any future loss. My temples are beyond hope for any conventional treatments though, as I've been a NW2 for about 3 years now, so obviously I've been slick bald in those areas for quite a while.

I also seem to have inherited my maternal grandfathers pattern of hair loss, which was early recession followed by stability until middle age, at which point most of his hairline went, leaving the crown and midscalp intact. Hopefully that bodes well for my future.

Do you guys think I am crazy for even considering this, or could I be the rare young guy that can get a hair transplant without completely setting myself up for failure?


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Thickandthin said:
Most of you guys know my story. I'm 23, 24 in November, with NW2.5ish temples. No loss or miniaturization anywhere else. I've been on finasteride for almost 3 months now and plan on staying on it for the long haul.

My reason for wanting the hair transplant is that I absolute hate my temples. I cannot properly style my hair, as it is straight and fairly thin. If I get a short cut, I have obvious recession (think Johnny Knoxville). If I leave it long, I have to resort to strange comb overs/comb forwards to make it look decent.

I've done my research, and I feel like I could get by with 1500 FUE into my temples to give me a solid NW2 hairline. That alone would improve my looks, as it would lessen the appearance of the "island" of hair and make it more of a normal mature hairline.

I say my hair is thin, but honestly that is only true in frontal area, as I've always had a fairly sparse fringe but the back of my hair (donor area) grows out very bushy and thick. I'd like to think that means I would have good donor density, but I can't know for certain.

Anyway, I likely won't consider having anything done until I'm at least 25, as that will give finasteride about 2 years to work and stabilize any future loss. My temples are beyond hope for any conventional treatments though, as I've been a NW2 for about 3 years now, so obviously I've been slick bald in those areas for quite a while.

I also seem to have inherited my maternal grandfathers pattern of hair loss, which was early recession followed by stability until middle age, at which point most of his hairline went, leaving the crown and midscalp intact. Hopefully that bodes well for my future.

Do you guys think I am crazy for even considering this, or could I be the rare young guy that can get a hair transplant without completely setting myself up for failure?

I don't think you should do it. Not until your at least 30, I know thats not what you want to hear. Maybe if you did do it, it would be the best decision of your life, but what if it doesn't work out? What if you go bald on top even with finasteride at 30? Then you've wasted 1500 grafts in the very front of your hairline and it'll look very unnatural and you're in for a life time of touch ups. Have you tried rogaine on your temples? I've had success with it and just take a look at zeroheat's thread to see what rogaine can potentially do to your temple.


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the same situation here...but I have a diffuse thin behind receded hairline...I looked at donor...and it seems thick sometimes...sometimes not...this is just because my mood...sometimes feels better and sometimes worse...I also started finasteride almost one month ago...all the people are saying to wait...but to wait what? I know that i can not lower the hairline...I really like it like a norwood 2... i don't want to lower it...and...I know also that i have to deal with a thin hair all over the head...but trust is better a thin hair than a bald scalp...besides this...I think even with a thin hair you can have a nice haircut...the most important thing is to have a frame a well defined hairline...

I think the most of people saying that younger people should wait just because they think that being young you will ask the doctor to make you a lower hairline to add a lot of density...and so on...but I think person like me and others from here are already aware that you can achieve the density of you at 15 years will probably have hair all over the head...but a thin hair...that you can style it letting it short like buzz cut or letting it a bit create the illusion of density...

if I'll wait till 30...and let's say I have the same amount of hair...what i've done? I've wasted 6 years of life living frustrated...and what if at 30 i'll be more bald?in that case I'll shave this f*****g head...anyway...or i will wear a wig...most be honest...bald...shaved people as a general rule... are the ugliest guy...don't worry i'm in the same boat with you....and I'll rather wear a hairpiece...which I'm already thinking at...i can not style my hair because of thin hair and because of maybe I'll be more happy with a one of this... looks so great in my opinion...i was thinking to deal with this for 3-4 years...and taking finas...and...the I'll decide what should I do...

everyone is different...with different p.o.v and thoughts...but I can not live my life being bald...i can not accept this...because it change my appearance drastically...some people says that if some one really likes will like you for ur person...but I really find this like something corny...clichee...I don't know how to call it...we're living in a world where everybody struggles to look better...balding think really destroy...some lifes...and is so sad...that we don't even find at least something to stop defenitlly any progress...feel so sad...sometimes...


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Andrei, I know going bald sucks, we all do. It's also your life and if you choose to get a hair transplant now, thats obviously your decision to make. The reason I suggested ThicknThink wait till he's 30 is so that he can have a better idea of where his hair loss pattern is headed. I would give you the same advice, unless of course you hit norwood 5 or 6 before then, in which case there would be no point in waiting. The thing about a hair transplant is that there is no going back, especially if you get a strip surgery and get a strip scar. Now you never have the option of shaving your head so you must be damn sure that your transplant is going to look good, now AND in your 30s, 40s and beyond. If you end up using too many grafts in only the front section of your head, that is also a disaster. This is why I think guys should generally wait till about 30. I for one will only get a hair transplant if I don't lose more than a norwood 3 or 4 because in that case I think I could get the density I want. So I'm waiting until my hair loss stabilizes before I make that decision. I don't like being almost a norwood 3 at 25 but I have to do this wisely so I'm waiting till at least 30 before I even think about it.


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Thickandthin said:
I have obvious recession (think Johnny Knoxville).
Oh how terrible :shakehead:


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s.a.f said:
Thickandthin said:
I have obvious recession (think Johnny Knoxville).
Oh how terrible :shakehead:

says the man who has had how many - 3 - hair transplants? you've become nothing more than a glorified troll around here, saf. Or maybe you've always been like that and I haven't noticed. the only reason more people don't call you on your sh*t is because of your pathetically high post count.


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LMAO ^ (actually I've had 5) :woot:
Exactly what sh*t dont people call me out on? :whistle: