Thinking about getting a hair transplant


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I turned 22 in December. I know I'm really young, but I feel like I'm losing the best years of my life because of my hair loss. I've been on generic finasteride, and ordered some minoxidil recently that should arrive in the mail shortly.

I figure 3000 grafts should fill in my areas well. Will a procedure at my age be a problem down the road? I'm in Toronto, are there any good doctors here or should I travel outside the country? Can I sidestep these problems if I continue finasteride after my procedure? What are roughly the prices I'll be looking at?

I was thinking of giving minoxidil a try for 4-6 months, but I'm a pessimist...


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shootingguard said:
I turned 22 in December. I know I'm really young, but I feel like I'm losing the best years of my life because of my hair loss. I've been on generic finasteride, and ordered some minoxidil recently that should arrive in the mail shortly.

I figure 3000 grafts should fill in my areas well. Will a procedure at my age be a problem down the road? I'm in Toronto, are there any good doctors here or should I travel outside the country? Can I sidestep these problems if I continue finasteride after my procedure? What are roughly the prices I'll be looking at?

I was thinking of giving minoxidil a try for 4-6 months, but I'm a pessimist...

Dude forget about it. 22 is WAY too young, and yes, you will have big problems down the road if you fill in your current loss with 3K grafts.

Stay on finasteride, get on minoxidil, add nizoral.. perhaps add tricomin and bite and move forward.

You can always use toppik, but this is a very dangerous road as well as you can get addicted and as your loss increases you will just use more and more concealer until you cannot leave the house without it. Right now try the above regimen.


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Yeah try to regain your hair fist since you're only 22 yr old.BTW 3000 grafts IS A LOT OF MONEY..;)