Thinking back to all the good times


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Thinking back to all the good times, I only grow more depressed. Why is that?

I admit that I'm in a good place-- I'm happy in all aspects of my life. But when it comes to thinking back to good times, like eating with friends, seeing a movie with a chick, taking long drives... I become strangely depressed. It's a feeling that makes your insides hard and cold, as if your body turns to driftwood.

Do you guys get like that? What is that? Is that depression? I don't feel depressed one bit, but do get depressing impulses. Almost inexplicable, really... Interestingly enough, hair doesn't enter the picture.


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Oh yes... I get this all the time... It makes me sick when I think of all the good times...

But I guess in a few years time I might look back to this and think these were the good times. I hope I dont though because it would mean life will have to get really depressing to beat this...


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Time is a jet plane, it moves too fast
Oh, but what a shame if all we've shared can't last.


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No, I don't really "get like that", I don't really have that many good times to think back about. Sometimes I feel more depressed when I hear about other people "thinking back to all the good times", though, as it reminds me of how empty my life has been.


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i have a tendency to get very nostalgic. i dont know if depressed isthe right word, but i do get sad and miss care free times.

btw, to the person who said life goes by so fast- only youth does.


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Tis true, God, we're a depressing bunch. :)


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I get depressed when I look back and think about all the opportunities I missed. I feel I squandered some of my best years in college not having confidence due to my hair... only in the past year have I just started to come out of my shell. I always think... what could have been if I had the confidence I do now?

Am I alone in this thought or is this just standard procedure growing up?