Thinking of Getting a Hair Transplant


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Am in my early 40s and have a NW2a. Thinking of getting a hair transplant but Finasteride gives me side effects, so probably not taking it.

Is it a good idea to get a hair transplant and not take Finasteride, but do an additional hair transplant every 5-10 years or so?


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Is it a good idea to get a hair transplant and not take Finasteride, but do an additional hair transplant every 5-10 years or so?
Well, it's better than being bald.

That's the path I chose cuz treatments like finasteride, minoxidil and microneedling really aren't for me.

I'm after my 3rd transplant and I started in 2017.


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Well, it's better than being bald.

That's the path I chose cuz treatments like finasteride, minoxidil and microneedling really aren't for me.

I'm after my 3rd transplant and I started in 2017.
Where can I follow your process.. ie photos etc


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Am in my early 40s and have a NW2a. Thinking of getting a hair transplant but Finasteride gives me side effects, so probably not taking it.

Is it a good idea to get a hair transplant and not take Finasteride, but do an additional hair transplant every 5-10 years or so?
dont take finasteride or mioxidil , they have bad side effect , also the moment you stop using them its the moment your hair fall again more than before .and yes hair transplant will help you, but also you need to take care good if it after that and im sure you will have good results


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dont take finasteride or mioxidil , they have bad side effect , also the moment you stop using them its the moment your hair fall again more than before .and yes hair transplant will help you, but also you need to take care good if it after that and im sure you will have good results
I've been on Minoxidil and Finasteride since 2002 and I've had no side effects. My hair's been great and so has my sex life. What side effects are you referring to?


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Depends on your diffuse thining. If you have strong Norwood 2A with full hairline then transplant will help you, but if you have diffuse around your hairline it can cause shock loss there and you will regret it.

Yes, I do have some balding at the top of my head as well. Which is why I think it is good to do an additional hair transplant every few years. Is this a good path to take?


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Well, it's better than being bald.

That's the path I chose cuz treatments like finasteride, minoxidil and microneedling really aren't for me.

I'm after my 3rd transplant and I started in 2017.

Interesting. Hope it goes well for you.

This means it is 3 transplants in 4 years. Does it need to be this frequent?


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Interesting. Hope it goes well for you.

This means it is 3 transplants in 4 years. Does it need to be this frequent?
Thats an individual thing.

You should consult a top surgeon near your area for better responses towards your hairloss.

If you’re going to ask people on the forums, you should include pics so people don’t just blindly tell you something based on second-hand obervations.


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Interesting. Hope it goes well for you.

This means it is 3 transplants in 4 years. Does it need to be this frequent?

Depends on your plan and expectations. Looking back I would have done things a bit differently. So maybe just maybe 2 procedures would have been enough.