Thinking of getting a hair transplant


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New to the site been lurking for a while. My hair loss has started to rapidly progress over the last 18 months. I have never taken finasteride or any other products due to my fear of side affects.

I have just turned 26 and my parents have said they will loan me the money to have a hair transplant. I am going to shop about and go for consultations with a view to getting a FUE transplant. I have read elsewhere on the forum that some users have said you should not even consider a transplant without having taking some products. What is reason for this opinion?

I will post photos up of my hair later on today.

El Nino

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Welcome to the forum.

You need to stabilize your hairloss with meds first because getting a hair transplant won't stop the rest of your hair falling out. Don't think you can just get one hair transplant and then be cured of hairloss, it is a lifelong battle.

I am sure your parents don't want to loan you money every two years for the next six.

Finasteride is a MUST for you because you say your loss has been rapid the last 18 months. You have a lot to learn so keep researching and don't rush into anything.


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It's not just opinion that you need to take something to stabilize the hairloss first, it's a fact. Getting a transplant will not help keep the rest of your hair from shedding.

Let's say you get some temple and hairline work done now, but don't take any products to maintain what you have. Your hairloss will progress and you'll be left with a hairline...and nothing else. Kinda like this

(I know, those are old-style hair plugs, but it illustrates the point)

Get on minoxidil and finasteride for a year and see how your hairloss is. If it's pretty stable, then you're probably ok to get some work done. However, just remember that taking those products is a life-long decision. Your hairloss will start up again if you decide to eliminate the DHT blocker that's keeping your hair on your head.


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If I did for talking sake, get an FUE hair transplant just now to the top of my head to cover my balding areas and the rest of my natural hair continued to fall out, could I not just get another FUE transplant? I know it ain't ideal from a financial point of view but anything is better than being bald.

A few months ago I went to my GP to ask him to give me a prescription for finasteride as I was going to purchase the pills. My GP talked me out, he said that these pills are dangerous and if they were successful in helping male pattern baldness then they would be available on the NHS. He also said these pills were very bad for your health. I have read horror stories online about people who started taking finasteride and wished they hadn't. I am to scared to take them to be honest.

Also I was wanting to post pictures of my hair up but the uploading box just runs for ages and never uploads the picture. Can anyone help??


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All doctors will talk you out of taking Finasteride (my bro & sis both junior drs. told me to stay away from it too) After all it is normally a powerful drug reserved for old men with prostate problems not young men with the rest of their life in front of them....

Anyway you should at least trial finasteride for a short period and see how it goes because without any meds, even with multiple hair transplants, you will run out of donor hair at the back of your head & be stuck with an unatural, odd-looking patchwork that will attract more attention than even a bald head.

I guess you could try a hair transplant with minoxidil alone but unlikely that it would be effective in the long run, ie. 10-15yrs? Anybody gone this route?

Given that I can't take finasteride, I'm almost resigned to shaving once I go past NW3.5, because the stress and huge expense of multiple hair transplants is just not worth it & there are plenty users here with first-hand experience who will vouch for that.


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If I did for talking sake, get an FUE hair transplant just now to the top of my head to cover my balding areas and the rest of my natural hair continued to fall out, could I not just get another FUE transplant? I know it ain't ideal from a financial point of view but anything is better than being bald.

Oh so you have unlimited donor supplies? :whistle: Lucky you.

A few months ago I went to my GP to ask him to give me a prescription for finasteride as I was going to purchase the pills. My GP talked me out, he said that these pills are dangerous and if they were successful in helping male pattern baldness then they would be available on the NHS. He also said these pills were very bad for your health. I have read horror stories online about people who started taking finasteride and wished they hadn't. I am to scared to take them to be honest.

The Dr who prescribes mine has been on it for over 12 yrs. Of course Dr's dont want to prescribe it because they dont view m.p.b as a serious problem. There are currently 10m+ men worldwide on this drug if side effects were that common do you think there would be?