Thinking of getting an hair transplant


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Well, first off I am 35 and really hate to see how much of my hair has fallen out the past 3 years. I am probably a 4 on the scale. I live about 2 hours south of Atlanta and filled out a form online for Dr. Cole on Friday. The more I see the pictures on his site, and on other sites, the more anxious I am to do this. First off, the price is my concern. I have roughly $10,000 saved up, but I also don't want to short change myself because of cost. I'm thinking that I need to go in full tilt, if I get this done. I just can't don't think I can afford to spend $20,000+. From looking at the other pictures, I would think I would need at least 2,000-2,500 grafts. (I'm new to this, so I really don't have a clue) I like the FUE method, so I would probably go with that if I can afford it!

Second, I am a pastor. I'm in front of a few thousand people each weekend, and a several hundred during the week (I'm not a senior pastor, just an associate that is in front of people often). I am REALLY worried about immediately after the operation, and I'm even more worried that it will look like a hair transplant for years to come. I don't care if people know I had one, I just don't want ppl who hadn't met me before the surgery to look at me and say, "Hair transplant, huh?"

Thirdly, if I feel good about one and two, how long before I could have the surgery done? Since I've seen the videos and pictures, I really wouldn't want to wait. What is the usually waiting period?

I know that Dr. Cole can answer most of these, but I thought I would ask them now since they are on my mind, and a few of you have done this before.

Any help/advice/wise words would be GREAT!! Thanks!


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Also, I just read some bad reviews about there other Atlanta area doctors I should look into? Here are the negative reviews I found: ... nions.html


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6,000-8,000? Really?

My hair loss is similar to this guy, and he only need 2,000.

I don't think I want to pay what it would cost to get 6,000-8,000. I felt like if I could get 2,000-2,500 the first run through, I could see if I wanted more later. I could see getting another 1,000 or so later, but didn't imagine that I would need that much work! :sobbing:

I shaved my head for a while, and hate the shape of it. I wish my head was more round!! Oh well, it looks as though I may have to go that route again!


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Going to broadly agree with Dudemon here, it's important to plan for a worst-case scenario and if you're lucky you'll get away with less.

In my case, my first hair transplant procedure + good response to medication gave me quite natural looking hair and density, and most people won't notice anything but great hair. What most people find though is that they will be aware of certain lighting, or going swimming etc. which will make your scalp visible and make your hair appear very fine and wispy.

I've since had a second procedure and am planning a third next year to finish the job for exactly those reasons.

So, budget and plan for three big procedures over the next few years and if you find you're happy with less spend the money on a holiday or new car :)

Hope this helps,
Danielle x


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Thanks for the help! My hair loss is not as bad as the picture above, but it isn't to far from that. I'm really debating whether I want to spend $30,000 or more and 2-3 years of surgery to get the hair transplant done right.

I was kind of hoping for one big one, and a smaller one later on. I was also hoping to spend no more than $15,000-$20,000. It looks as though I would have to spend significantly more.

Thanks again for your help. I'm not sure if I'll meet with the doctor or not, but this has helped me tremendously!!