Thinking Of Getting Hair Transplant With Dr Arocha


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I recently consulted Dr Arocha in Houston Texas after repeatedly reading that he is one of the best in the country. Last year I noticed one of my temples was thinning and I immediately started propecia. I believe that it has stabilized my hair loss. However one of my temples still needs filling and the front of my hair is slightly thin too. I'm not even sure I would be called a NW1 yet, my other temple is pretty perfect. My full hairline has probably receded half an inch since my tennage years, however it is enough to bother me. Dr Arocha suggested 1000 grafts to bring the hair line down and also thicken up what I have. He assured me that a week off from work would be enough for me to heal and for no one to notice. Does that sound plausible? I will be doing an FUT procedure. He also recommended I do PCP at the same time to speed up the regrowth. Is that a good idea? Also what is everyone's opinion of Dr Arocha, I have a really hard time finding anything negative said about him, and he actually made a really good impression on me. He told me if I go in on a Friday, then have the following week off of work, by the next Monday it would not be noticeable, also I would not have to shave my head which was what was bothering me with FUE.

Thanks a lot
Any Feedback would be amazing!
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A FUT for 1000 grafts lol

Buddy, i wouldn't even bother.

Just get the barber to give you a high fade, and then get FUE. wont even be noticible.


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Thanks a lot for the reply, I really dont want to cut my hair short. Any other feedback? I've been feeling super down about it, any help would be really REALLY appreciated


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What are you super down about? most people get down on the idea of shaving there recipient area.

Do you have long shaggy hair on the sides, and back?