Thinking Of Trying Prp................


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This has been going through my mind a bit now and with my thinning in back after my hair transplant and some more thinning in the frontal area around the transplanted hairs it seems like a viable attempt before another full on hair transplant.
Im going to talk with my Doctor and get a quote. Im not interested in ACELL even though he likes to do them together as almost all the reading online basically says ACELL itsnt proven to do anything and most docs barely use it now.
Anyone do this with or without the ACELL?
Any tips or information you can pass. As a returning customer I know he would give me a good deal and he seemed to LOVE working on my damn head lol, as I was a pretty oddball case for him.


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RU no longer works for you now?

Don't go for prp. It would do nothing, or worse, creating shock loss.


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I went down to Florida with my wife about 10 years ago for PRP. The minute I got into the rent a car I started to have a bad feeling. Every 15 minutes loud blaring radio commercials on the therapy for balding men and the best way to describe it would be obnoxious. After arriving to the hotel and considerable thought I told my wife my thoughts and that this was a RED FLAG. She laughed because she could care less and only gave me support. We had a very nice 3 day vacation. Over the next 10 year period of looking at results I would say I haven’t seen jack sh*t except marketers making money on desperation. Same with their incredibly irresponsible advice of telling guys to inject ink into their head.

Marketers are a RED FLAG think logically and not emotively.

Jean Luc has been debunked his story does not add up. Is he a marketer.................observation over time will reveals truth.

Tattooing = $$$$
PRP = $$$$
Promises of 9000 fu donor zones = $$$$
Listening to marketers = $$$$$
22 year old patients with years and years of knowledge and one hair transplant while posting from a remote location equals marketing = $$$$
Feminizing your body for a showcase hair transplant case = $$$$$
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