
Thinning 19 Year Old With Some Questions.

John Boy

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Been lurking on here for about 5 months, as I was still in the denial phase about my hairloss lol. Recently its become impossible to deny that it hasnt turned to sh*t and that its not getting steadily worse. Always had a widows peak but its the overall quality and thickness of the front of my hairline that has nosedived the past little while .Dad is nw4 at 52, and mother side are all full nw1s with 2inch foreheads. Bought 2% nizoral from costco and have an appointment with a derm in febuary (canadian health care system). Definatly gonna ask him bout finasteride cuz I kmow without it im probably beyond fked, but im just worried my hair will be to far gone by febuary.

Just wondering if:

you think Il be completly fucked by febuary hairloss wise with just nizoral?

Do i apply nizoral everyday?

Is dermatologist prescription the only way to get finasteride?

Is proscar 1.25 dosage more likly to cause sides than regular finasteride 1mg? (Im a broke student so proscar option sounds alot more doable)

Also for other guys around my age taking finasteride, what has been your experiences with the drug.

Pictures are in attached in chronological order over the past 5 months. The ones outiside are in sunlight today and really show how sh*t the hair has gotten at the front.

Thanks for taking to the time to read this essay i just wrote here and i wish yall the best luck with your own hairloss situations.


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The answer to everything you asked is no.
And I don't think you're losing hair at all, but if you say your density has worsened then it might be true. I just don't see it in these pics


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Wait for the consultation in february. Theres 99% chance your hair wont get much worse by then. Hair loss, even if aggressive, doesn't happen in a month. I highly doubt that any other member on this forum will disagree .

John Boy

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Wait. If you actually objectively notice thinning get over the counter rogaine to tide you over in the mean time although I doubt you will.

Waiting for an actual prescription is worth it IMO. With online who knows what quality you are getting

Alright makes sense. I will look into minoxidil for the mean time. Thanks for the advice.


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Agreed with the users above. I don't think you should get on minoxidil yet though. finasteride should be your first option. Minoxidil can be added later if you need regrowth in my opinion


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Wait for the consultation in february. Theres 99% chance your hair wont get much worse by then. Hair loss, even if aggressive, doesn't happen in a month. I highly doubt that any other member on this forum will disagree .

One guy on the forum went from thick and dense NW1 to shitty NW6 in 3 months. Aggressive diffuse thinning. Unlikely for this guy, but it can happen.


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I can’t see any thinning from your pics so you should be good to wait till feb most likely. I first noticed my hair loss at 18 and waited a year to get on finasteride and it didn’t get noticeably worse. I am diffuse thinner.


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One guy on the forum went from thick and dense NW1 to shitty NW6 in 3 months. Aggressive diffuse thinning. Unlikely for this guy, but it can happen.
That is very extreme but it doesn't surprise me. Male pattern baldness can be super aggressive for some unlucky guys. A guy I used to know was a full on Nw7 at age 21.

John Boy

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That is very extreme but it doesn't surprise me. Male pattern baldness can be super aggressive for some unlucky guys. A guy I used to know was a full on Nw7 at age 21.

Honestly this is the sh*t that terrifies me, poor guy.


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Honestly this is the sh*t that terrifies me, poor guy.

Hey buddy, I think you can afford to wait until February. I dont think you have the aggressive balding genetics and your family history of hair loss is pretty good. At this point I would probably avoid finasteride for atleast a year or two while keeping an eye on your hair but its best to get your derms opinion. If anything it looks like you'll be the type of guy to end up bald at 40 but def not 25 or anything. As for your question about finasteride, im 21 and been on finasteride for 2 months and continued to lose a lot of hair like 400+ per day. I'm not saying finasteride caused me to lose hair because it didnt I was losing the same amount as before finasteride just didnt change anything but im being hopeful considering how recent my loss was.


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Hey buddy, I think you can afford to wait until February. I dont think you have the aggressive balding genetics and your family history of hair loss is pretty good. At this point I would probably avoid finasteride for atleast a year or two while keeping an eye on your hair but its best to get your derms opinion. If anything it looks like you'll be the type of guy to end up bald at 40 but def not 25 or anything. As for your question about finasteride, im 21 and been on finasteride for 2 months and continued to lose a lot of hair like 400+ per day. I'm not saying finasteride caused me to lose hair because it didnt I was losing the same amount as before finasteride just didnt change anything but im being hopeful considering how recent my loss was.

How many months has it been so far?


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How many months has it been so far?

2 months total on finasteride and 5 months since hairs started falling off. But to be fair I probably lost about 3-4 years worth of hairloss in the 5 months.


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Are you still getting cartoonish levels of hair fall? Or is it less or improving?

I ended up shaving my head bro, it was getting too thin. But yeah still same old cartoonish level of hairloss still 300ish hairs per every 10 hour or so. The thing is since I have a buzzcut now a lot of the loss is less noticable. I am still staying hopeful but at this point its getting hard. If someone told me at the start of 2018 that I would be nw6 i wouldnt believe it but here we are by december unless finasteride kicks in its game over.


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I ended up shaving my head bro, it was getting too thin. But yeah still same old cartoonish level of hairloss still 300ish hairs per every 10 hour or so. The thing is since I have a buzzcut now a lot of the loss is less noticable. I am still staying hopeful but at this point its getting hard. If someone told me at the start of 2018 that I would be nw6 i wouldnt believe it but here we are by december unless finasteride kicks in its game over.

f*****g hell. I thought seeing an occasional hair on my desk was bad, or 3 in the bed. And that's by the day. I'd lose my mind if I saw 300 hairs :p. Well, keep up your strength.


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Hi Mate,

I think you'd find my post (annoyingly on the wrong forum) encouraging.

just Finasteride (some nizoral.. but not enough to make a meaningful difference) for me and so far seen really, really good results.

I've just joined so can't post links etc but pop onto my profile and you'll see my post

40014947_422312661628154_1029385961567420416_n.jpg 40003592_2237035089658315_4620435622723584_n.jpg

This is just 4 months.....