Thinning hair - Advice on finasteride alternative?


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I've been taking finasteride for over 10 years. When I started, I had thinning hair on the top of my head. It stopped the thinning and I regrew hair to boot.

Over these years, I've slowly lost libido and energy, and I'm not sure how much of a factor finasteride is in this, versus simple aging (I'm 50 now). I've decided I'm going to try going off finasteride to see if it helps these problems.

I know from past experience that a month or two after I stop, my hair will be noticeably thinner again. Can anyone recommend, from personal experience, an alternative treatment I can use to stop the thinning, without the hormonal side effects?

Thanks in advance!


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Losing libido at your age is normal. I highly doubt that Finasteride would have anything to do with it after being side effect free for 10 years.

If you need to blame something for low libido, direct your frustration to god.

If you need alternatives to Finasteride, try RU58841 or CB-03-01. Nothing else works for inhibiting DHT.


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I agree with the above. Any side effects should go away within a few weeks. If you are off finasteride for a month and notice no change, it's not the finasteride that is causing your low libido because by that time the finasteride will be out of your system and your hormones will be in a natural range


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Well, I can't say these responses have raised my spirits, but thanks for them anyway! I guess if I don't see improvements after a month, it'll be time to get my T levels tested and see if I need to do something about andropause.

- - - Updated - - -

If you need alternatives to Finasteride, try RU58841 or CB-03-01. Nothing else works for inhibiting DHT.

Well, based on what I'm seeing online, RU sounds like it has some nasty side effects. CB sounds very promising, but apparently is still a few years in the future. So, as usual, we end up back at finasteride again! Very frustrating.


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Well, based on what I'm seeing online, RU sounds like it has some nasty side effects. CB sounds very promising, but apparently is still a few years in the future. So, as usual, we end up back at finasteride again! Very frustrating.

RU's side effects are in much smaller numbers than Finasteride. Give it a try.

Also, if you want to boost your test/libido; get plenty sleep, work out, be physically active, eat well. Working out and sports will raise T-levels a LOT which should boost your libido. You should be physically active regardless though.


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Well, I can't say these responses have raised my spirits, but thanks for them anyway! I guess if I don't see improvements after a month, it'll be time to get my T levels tested and see if I need to do something about andropause.

I don't see a reason why you have to stay with low libido:
First go and test your hormonal levels:
Testosterone 270-1100(685)average - 36% for age= 438
Free T level 1.5-2.5%
Estrogen 7-64
Ratio T/E 20/50

Then buy testosterone boosting formula there are several to choose from:
TestoFX - you can stop finasteride with this as it has DHT and Estrogen inhbitors - intake 1month 2weeks rest
Opti-men - vitamin complex with ZMA and DHT inhibitor no need to cycle it.


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Then buy testosterone boosting formula there are several to choose from:
TestoFX - you can stop finasteride with this as it has DHT and Estrogen inhbitors - intake 1month 2weeks rest
Opti-men - vitamin complex with ZMA and DHT inhibitor no need to cycle it.

Thanks for the detailed info!

I've thought about herbal T boosters. Was thinking about trying tongkat ali. My main concern is deactivating my natural T production. Have you tried these products and seen that they work without doing that?