So I had always had a good head of hair and it would grow fast like a weed. I'm 25 years old, Hispanic, and I started a weight loss journey July 2017 and have lost about 130 pounds since then (I was at max 412, now I am around 280) but I have since noticed that my hair has been dramatically thinning all over my head since last fall.
At first I feared that it was male pattern baldness because my paternal grandfather had male pattern baldness but my uncles don't have it, my dad and my brother have naturally thin hair but nothing like what I'm seeing and I have never remembered my hair like this. I know I had pretty bad dandruff as a teenager and use Head & Shoulders, haven't really seen a lot of dandruff in a few years. I also know male pattern baldness starte at the temples and vertex while the the back and sides are generally that same, not the case here.
I have been going crazy as to figuring out what is going on. At first I figured it was the weight loss that caused Telogen Effluvium but it should've cleared up by now, right? A year later? Now I'm thinking about going to my doctor to see if it might be something with my nutrition, stress, hypothyroidism, chronic telogen effluvium, etc. Or maybe my hair has been like this and I've never noticed or a natural maturing of my hair.
I've noticed by scalp is more irritated sometimes (almost like it burns), itching frequently, and it's almost like I feel my follicles tingling sometimes especially in sunlight. I will put up pictures and note that I have a counterclockwise swirl in my hair pattern.
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