Thinning Temple Peaks After 6 Month Dutasteride?


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Just new to the forum. I'm 26 years old from the Netherlands, and suffering from mild hair loss since I was 18. Today, I am a Norwood 1,5-2.

In my battle against my hairloss I added dutasteride 6 months ago along with some vitamins. My hair has been significantly thicker and fuller over almost the entire scalp after shedding amounts of thin hair. New hairs are sprouting up my hairline.

So far, so good. The only region I didn't gain any regrowth - and in which I'm still thinning and shedding - are my temple peaks.

Is this normal?

Since I am a relatively good responder to the drug, can I also expect my temple peaks to thicken up or maybe even regrow more again? Any people with the same experience?

I would really appreciate your thoughts on this, since I am worrying about it pretty much.

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Hey. Glad to hear about your mostly positive results.

As far as the temple and hairline thinning goes, most have no clue why this happens, including myself; however, one of the popular ideas is that the testosterone surge resulting from dutasteride use is putting a hurting on hairs at the very front of your head. Some experience this, some don't. Some augment their treatment in these cases by adding RU topical, which is a strong, experimental anti androgen you buy online and self mix in a vehicle. It helps stop loss for some.

I'm glad to read about your experience. I've been contemplating dutasteride use because my time on finasteride has been terrible at crown and hairline. Makes me consider taking up RU along with dutasteride if I start it.


My Regimen
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Thanks for the reply. I have no experience with finasteride myself, I just went for (the more potent) dutasteride. I am not experiencing any libido loss, gyno, erectile dysfunctions etc. I really hope Dutasteride can halt your hairloss. Perhaps dutasteride + RU will do the trick for both of us. I was already familiar with the existence of RU 45881. After looking into it, I probably go for RU45881 5% in 5% KB solution. Hope it helps. Although I read many reports that results may not be long lasting with RU??

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Ya i've seen those reports as well. Seems like most experience rapid positive results (stop in shedding, or regrowth), and within a few months go back to shedding the way it was prior to using RU. There's just no telling unless you try, which blows.

I'm going to 'baseline' my DHT and other relevant hormones in the next few weeks before I start dutasteride. Wish i had tested by DHT prior to finasteride, but at least i'll have some idea of where my DHT currently falls (after 18mo finasteride use) with respect to the reference range.

Have you tried minoxidil at all to see if you can jump start some regrowth?