This could be the perfect treatment


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I once read something about a future treatment that could be prevent DHT from binding to hair follicles. I don't remember where I read that and it's probably just a theory, but it seems like the perfect solution: a non surgical, nonhormonal treatment that could prevent baldness without side effects.

Any ideas?


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Maybe they could come up with an oral drug that works in the scalp only. v****, for example, targets an enzyme that only exists in the genital area - hence the efficacy of the famous blue pill.


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metropolis said:
I once read something about a future treatment that could be prevent DHT from binding to hair follicles. I don't remember where I read that and it's probably just a theory, but it seems like the perfect solution: a non surgical, nonhormonal treatment that could prevent baldness without side effects.

Yeah, it's called RU58841.

but What about Today

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Bryan said:
metropolis said:
I once read something about a future treatment that could be prevent DHT from binding to hair follicles. I don't remember where I read that and it's probably just a theory, but it seems like the perfect solution: a non surgical, nonhormonal treatment that could prevent baldness without side effects.

Yeah, it's called RU58841.

Anybody ever put RU58841 it in a pill capsule and take it that way???
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I remember reading that RU58841 is owned by some French compnay. Does anyone know the name? Also, does anyone know if the company plans on licensing the drug to other companies for future use?

I know this drug has been brought up many times, so I apologize in advance.


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but What about Today said:
Anybody ever put RU58841 it in a pill capsule and take it that way???

RU58841 is only used as a topical treatment. God knows what would happen if you took it orally! :)


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Bryan said:
but What about Today said:
Anybody ever put RU58841 it in a pill capsule and take it that way???

RU58841 is only used as a topical treatment. God knows what would happen if you took it orally! :)

Does anyone been on RU58841 long enough to report results.


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using the -SEARCH- "button" is a good thing... you have questions and it gives you answers.


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patagonia said:
using the -SEARCH- "button" is a good thing... you have questions and it gives you answers.
...erase the Add Reply button... :uglylol:


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I would love to start using RU, but the only way it's available atm is from a lab in china which could become unstable during shipment and have no idea if its actually the real thing.


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The powder is stable during shipments even at high temperature.
I took a week of vactions in Southern California this May and had my RU powder in the trunk of the car all the times - needless to say that it became very hot - but i did not notice any drop in effectiveness.

The issue is the short shelf life and un-stability of RU when mixed to a LIQUID, that's why getting it in powder form is the best way.

I mix 200mg of powder in a small 10ml bottle (2%), 5 minutes before EACH application and it works perfect. dissolves fine. Good results (maintenance) and very little or no side effects at these dosages.

cost of RU is $6 per application
cost of Fluridil is $2 per ampules and i use 2 as I have long hair.

so my regimen is about $10 per day..not bad for good maintenance and no side effects. If you have short hair this could be even 50% cheaper.

I stopped the internals and only use RU + fluridil.


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el_duterino said:
[...] I stopped the internals and only use RU + fluridil.

Fascinating stuff, thank you for posting guys. How long have you been using RU? Where did you buy it? And how does it work exactly?

Anyway, RU seems like an interesting product but I don't think I'm going to give it a try:

a) It's a Chinese med (nothing against China, but this is the country that puts melamine in school milk)

b) It's not FDA approved

c) As far as I know, there are no medical studies that show its efficacy

d) It is a topical treatment and the perfect baldness treatment has to be an oral drug


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Fluridil, by the contrary, seems like a safer bet. The only problem is I'm too lazy to apply this everyday to my scalp. :) I apply minoxidil 2x everyday, but because my affected area is still small (only some recession in the the temples) I only have to apply a few drops.


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I thought I knew everything about hairloss products, but I keep learning new stuff everyday. This forum is great!


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metropolis said:
d) It is a topical treatment and the perfect baldness treatment has to be an oral drug

Why do you say THAT?? :)


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I am the guy who wrote about sides on RU, and yes, if you put too much you will have some side effects.
I did cut the dosage by half and at 200mg a day i dont have ANY sides.

This chinese lab has a safe record of making good quality powder and providing it to forum members for several years. Shipping and communication is very satsfying.

A perfect baldness treatment is something that treats the hair follicles only, ,direclty targeting the real causes, and does not influence other body parts, meaning no systemic effects.

Fluridil and RU (at reasonnable dosage) do that.

Fluridil does suppress some androgen receptors, which are at the heart of the issue, but the percentage reduced is not enough to stop aggressive/advanced hairloss on its own. It has to be used in a combo.

Eventually the best treatment will be genetic, since the real cause is in our genes ...but we are not there yet.

Minoxidil does not stop hairloss.


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el_duterino said:
[...] Fluridil does suppress some androgen receptors, which are at the heart of the issue, but the percentage reduced is not enough to stop aggressive/advanced hairloss on its own. It has to be used in a combo.

Thanks for posting, el_duterino. What do you think of the combination propecia + fluridil? Is it worth a try?

I have tried a lot of stuff and finasteride is the only thing that really worked so far. I'm still using minoxidil but it's not doing anything.