This freaked me out


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It's a silly thing but I really have to post this.

I recently returned to my home town (Funchal, the beautiful capital of Madeira) and was surprised to see that most of my former school mates (now in their mid 30s) are completely bald. I haven't done so badly, I'm still a NW2 (see photo) thanks to Proscar.

I met one of my old friends a few weeks ago and he's now 32 and a NW7. We talked about EVERYTHING. He told lots of stories about his relationships and 'love conquests' which were really entertaining. In the end though, he said: 'But, of course, I had hair back then'. This freaked me out. :(


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Its possible without hair, but x10 times easier with it.... (you dont have to be rocket scientist to figure this one out... :( )


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It's amazing that grown adults don't realize that the simple formula for attraction is:

Attraction = a*Personality + b*Looks +c*power_success_money

where Personality, Looks and Power can be broken further as such:

Looks = d*muscularity + e*height + f*facial-prettiness + g*hairthickness ....

Each woman has different weights for each major group and sub-group. You can spend all your life trying to figure out how important the G weight is (hairthickness in the example above) for the average woman, OR you can just realize that there are 100s of other factors that come into play.

THE END!!!!!!!

PS: feel free to copy/paste this any time anyone brings up hair loss being the end of the world.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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placenotsobo said:
PS: feel free to copy/paste this any time anyone brings up hair loss being the end of the world.

Thanx so much!

I've copied your message into a special file, placenotsobo_AWESOME_POST.txt, on my computer and added a weekly reminder on my calender to check for any threads I can paste this AWESOME post on! :punk: GO PLACENOTSOBO!!!! :bravo:


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It's not only the hair, it's also the age...

I know lots of 30+ guys get laid regularly, but I've come to a point in my life where I really don't feel like doing any chasing. I used to party every weekend in my 20s, but now going out even once a month feels like a chore to me.

I could use my hair as an excuse, but I know it's not the lack of hair that stops me from going out. I just have other priorities in life now...

PS: I also can't deal with the hangovers anymore...


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GNUist (formerly FC) said:
placenotsobo said:
PS: feel free to copy/paste this any time anyone brings up hair loss being the end of the world.

Thanx so much!

I've copied your message into a special file, placenotsobo_AWESOME_POST.txt, on my computer and added a weekly reminder on my calender to check for any threads I can paste this AWESOME post on! :punk: GO PLACENOTSOBO!!!! :bravo:

May my great words of wisdom spread accross the kingdom and bring happiness to all!!!!!


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ali777 said:
It's not only the hair, it's also the age...

I know lots of 30+ guys get laid regularly, but I've come to a point in my life where I really don't feel like doing any chasing. I used to party every weekend in my 20s, but now going out even once a month feels like a chore to me.

I could use my hair as an excuse, but I know it's not the lack of hair that stops me from going out. I just have other priorities in life now...

PS: I also can't deal with the hangovers anymore...

In my case, it's the opposite. In my 20s my sex life was mediocre. I'm now 33 and my sex life is busier than ever.

I have a weird life.


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Smooth said:
Its possible without hair, but x10 times easier with it.... (you dont have to be rocket scientist to figure this one out... :( )

Call me stupid, but I really don't see why it should matter.


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metropolis said:
ali777 said:
It's not only the hair, it's also the age...

I know lots of 30+ guys get laid regularly, but I've come to a point in my life where I really don't feel like doing any chasing. I used to party every weekend in my 20s, but now going out even once a month feels like a chore to me.

I could use my hair as an excuse, but I know it's not the lack of hair that stops me from going out. I just have other priorities in life now...

PS: I also can't deal with the hangovers anymore...

In my case, it's the opposite. In my 20s my sex life was mediocre. I'm now 33 and my sex life is busier than ever.

I have a weird life.

I can understand where you are coming from. In my early 20s I had a few gfs and sex was great, but I always struggled with the relationship side of it. Later on, I discovered getting laid as an adult was even easier, the women are more straight forward, they know what they want, etc. The single girls that I know are somewhat open to the idea of short-term relationship just to get a bit of love on the side.

My point was, although it might be easier to get laid, I don't really feel like making an effort for it anymore. I've become socially lazy.

I know lots of people our age are the same as me, they are just not interested in the whole party lifestyle anymore.

One of the girls in my facebook friends list wrote in her status that she's looking for sex, and she was asking if anyone was interested :smack: ... it's just weird...


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At certian points I can still look in the mirror and think, ok, its not all over yet. My hair still looks ok. I can still feel attractive. But I am so scared of whats to come. Of thinning.

I just dont want to end up another white ugly bald man. I hate that feeling - that feeling that your attractiveness is slowly draining away. I hate looking like a bulbous pig. I want to stay pretty.

I guess hair loss is out of my hands for the time being. Unless HM comes out and saves us all. Unless the Pope becomes muslim. Unless pigs can fly.

So I try and visualise looking good bald. Like Jason Statham or Bruce Willis. I just try and be healthy, stay slim and toned. Try and keep good skin.

But the whole thing is fucked. Im not someone who wants to sleep with loads of women particularly. But I just like to walk down the street and catch a womens eye. I just like to feel attractive to the world.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
[...] But the whole thing is f***ed. Im not someone who wants to sleep with loads of women particularly. But I just like to walk down the street and catch a womens eye. I just like to feel attractive to the world.

You are a NW2, healthy, slim and toned. Why worry, then?

uncomfortable man

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Just goes to show that more guys on average are bald by thirty. So in that sense it is more normal than when in your twenties. But it is still hard for the average bald guy to feel attractive in this day and age and still harder for that bald guy to succeed in the whole cutthroat dating game, where bald guys are at a distinct disadvantage.


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uncomfortable man said:
Just goes to show that more guys on average are bald by thirty. So in that sense it is more normal than when in your twenties. But it is still hard for the average bald guy to feel attractive in this day and age and still harder for that bald guy to succeed in the whole cutthroat dating game, where bald guys are at a distinct disadvantage.

I was in my local pub yesterday, it wasn't very busy but there were a few 25-35yo guys in there.... A few guys is a very small sample size, but everyone in the pub had a degree of balding. Being bald/balding at 30+ is very normal.

Dating is a personal thing, we all have different likes and dislikes. Hair isn't the priority when it comes to dating. I think a stable personality is way more important than hair.


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ali777 said:
Hair isn't the priority when it comes to dating. I think a stable personality is way more important than hair.
no one say it doesnt, its just that hair makes things much easier, we live in a superficial world - saying hair isnt important is just plain dumb.


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Smooth said:
ali777 said:
Hair isn't the priority when it comes to dating. I think a stable personality is way more important than hair.
no one say it doesnt, its just that hair makes things much easier, we live in a superficial world - saying hair isnt important is just plain dumb.

since when is priority the same as importance :smack: ??? Everything in life is important, but we have different priorities.... Also, "more important" doesn't mean the other thing isn't important, it just means the other thing is relatively "less important".... Do you want me to teach you English???

You know what I noticed?? I haven't been replying to your posts for very long time... I should start annoying you again :woot:


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dudemon said:
Like the saying goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

That's exactly what I said :), but he's putting words into my mouth :smack: ... I didn't say hair or appearance wasn't important, I just said stable personality is more important.

dudemon said:
Well, I'm no English language scholar,

Have a bit of confidence in yourself dude!!! Your English is probably much better than most of us. We speak it only as a foreign language, you should have much better intuition than us.