this is depressing...


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Man it doesn't seem like things work out at all with hair loss. I mean theres that porcepia? or whatever it's called that can make u have sexual side effects. but it helps maintain your hair, till you stop using it. I look towards the future and think how much money i'll probaly spend on this damn hair problem.

I think it might be better to just let it go, let it all fall out and become some type of addict who has no life and was disowned by his family. I didn't realize till now that a simple thing like hair really fuks with peoples lives :cry:

Does anyone know what the long term effects are of procepia? I mean like cancer, heart problems? I can imagine it can do some damage. if taken for a long time (10-20 years)


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Some peeps been taking Finasteride for decades. It's not a new drug... and without long term complications. I hear what you're saying man... It seems like a downward spiral, and it probably is. But giving up without a fight? I don't think so. You can if you want, but I think it's kinda cool battling my genes. My daddy's bald, his daddy was bald, all his brothers... I wanna be the exception to the rule. And even if I can't, it's well worth the effort.

I'm not gonna willingly be a statistic :twisted:

Cal Que Later

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f*** it all I am moving to Tibet for my seven years, maybe by the end of my quest hair cloning will be around. I will shave my head and meditate for hours on in, and eventually learn the secret to life so I can write a book about it and sell it to everyone to fund my cloned hair. To be honest that does not sound like a bad idea, sit around all day enjoying the environment all day, free room and board, free food and clothing, that sounds like a slackers paradise. Not to mention the stories you would have when you got back to civilization. Some says "oh I went to Hawaii for my vacation this year," and you can one up them and say "well I left all my worldly possessions behind and moved to Tibet for 7 years and became a monk." That story would get people interested in you in no time at all, and would be a good ice breaker for anyone you want to date. Like if someone starts talking about crime you could slip in "oh I was taught to value all life while I was a monk in Tibet for 7 years." See how that just flows into the conversation. Or if someone says that they are really stressed out you could just say "I was taught to manage and accept my stress while I was a monk in Tibet for 7 years." One final example would be if someone was angry at you it would be a great time to slip in that "while I was a monk in Tibet for 7 years, I learned to value every moment of life with people and accept our differnences and live in harmony."

Yup going to look into moving to Tibet for 7 years I can just think of all the stories I will be able to tell now.


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i haven't exactly given up yet, i just can't afford all these damn $50 dollar shampoos that look like a sack of bs. Maybe in a few year when I graduate college and have a real job I can't invest into getting my hair back.


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Cal Que Later said:
f*** it all I am moving to Tibet for my seven years, maybe by the end of my quest hair cloning will be around. I will shave my head and meditate for hours on in, and eventually learn the secret to life so I can write a book about it and sell it to everyone to fund my cloned hair.

Perhaps the secret of life is staring right in front of you. Perhaps it is also called "Propecia" or "Rogaine." :)


Cal Que Later

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LOL now that's funny, Propecia and Minoxidil the secret to life, two treatments that are average at best. I can think of about a trecentillion things that would be more likely to be the secret of life and that underestimating it by a long shot.


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Does anyone here feel suicidal.... I do I cant help myself
Due to my hair loss, I can’t function right, no more social life
Its all scam propecia and other hair products they dont work for me

Why they cant come up with damn hair cloning


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Hang in there bro, I find myself getting depressed sometimes, but you have to realize that there is so many more important things out there than hair. I know it sucks, but the best you can do is stick with a program, give it time, and if it doesn't work, try something else, but give it time. Just try to look forward to the things in life that give you the most pleasure. Give it your best shot, if it doesn't work out, you have to accept it and move on. I'm sure if you stick with it though your bound to find a regimen that suits you and you'll see results. I just tell myself that things could be a lot worse, and to be lucky that's the onlt thing wrong w/ me. Keep your head up! :)


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Re: suicide

Sben said:
Does anyone here feel suicidal.... I do I cant help myself
Due to my hair loss, I can’t function right, no more social life
Its all scam propecia and other hair products they dont work for me

Why they cant come up with damn hair cloning

Hey there, If you need to talk about this kind of stuff PM me.


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appriciaon message

Appreciation message

Guys thanks so much for your moral support….but the whole hair loss situation sucks, its like I am having a worse nightmare of my life


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Hey Sben.

You're not alone with how you feel. I like you and so many others felt or feel the same way you do. I know I did. I let hair loss kill me for so many years so I did get suicidal as well.

I battled with topicals, propecia and other products. Some seemed to work and others didnt. I got sick of looking at myself in the mirror. I had a hair transplant years ago and it sucked. That made things even worse.

But last year after alot of research I decided to give the hair transplant approach one more shot. So much had changed since I had it done 8 or so yrs ago. It turned out very well and I am beyond happy with the results.

Now I'm not telling you to go get a hair transplant. Not at all!! But what I am telling you is technology is getting better and better. Things are going to come available to you that will relieve you of this. It wont be next week or next month, but soon. Just make sure you stick around to enjoy them.

I was right where you are emotionally and it sucks sh*t! But we have options and soon there will be even more that are more effective. Hang in there dude. It gets better.



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Re: appriciaon message

Sben said:
Appreciation message

Guys thanks so much for your moral support….but the whole hair loss situation sucks, its like I am having a worse nightmare of my life

Let me tell it to you straight. You can sit around feeling sorry for yourself and crying at home (which does nothing)...or you can get on with life. You're the person causing this stress, not the lack of hair. Once you realize this, you will be ace


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Re: appriciaon message

stormshadow said:
Sben said:
Appreciation message

Guys thanks so much for your moral support….but the whole hair loss situation sucks, its like I am having a worse nightmare of my life

Let me tell it to you straight. You can sit around feeling sorry for yourself and crying at home (which does nothing)...or you can get on with life. You're the person causing this stress, not the lack of hair. Once you realize this, you will be ace

I agree with you but come on its all well and good saying that but everybody has bad points, when you wash your hair and see its getting worse, your face flushes, depression goes through the roof & you think why dont i just shave this sh*t, and you feel so helpless your about 1 step from crying like a lil school girl.


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hey bro; i feel ya man.

i'm 25 and have only 300 or so hairs left on my head!! beat that.

ive been through some of the most humilliating things, comments, jokes, the occassional digs, watched people as they were talking to me, floating theres eyes towards my hairline. FU%K this, im so tired of being down and miserable.

now all i do is admit to my self and others about my hairloss, i even exagerate it sometimes (not on htough) but its a way of coping, if you tell people its genetic and male pattern baldness, they'll understand.

ive lost a very specail girl to this hair loss man. only to a better looking guy. he was slightly taller than me. and had loads of hair , which framed his face really nicely. facial features wise, im quite ok. people often used to call me a handsome person. now its like i just have to rely on my personality. what else can i do A??

i'm saving up for a hair transplant, and hopefully oneday i can repair upon some of the scars. ive also been mistaken for a 37yr old guy, always kinda do anyway.but on this occasion it was bad, long story but i aint gonna go in to it. i'm scared of mirrors now aswell. dont like looking the way i do.

often felt like, why the hell me?? and not any of my other friends at my age. there all goodlookin, and there was me, slick bald. the butt of all jokes, the one that never seems to get a complement or a girl.

hold in there buddy. ive resisted the anti depressants so far. and i'm not just about to take any either. over the last few months, my attitude has kinda changed. i'm more like ''fu$k it'', instead of feeling always down. i'm tryna socialise more, and i'm concentrating on making myself into some kind of super intelligent guy, who makes loads of money. etc.

ill get a hair transplant sometime soon, im just waiting for my hair loss to stabilize, and ill got for a FIT. it'll be expensive though. but im gona wait two yrs from now. the reason being, is that i want to wait for the technology to get refined more.

thats about it anyway, i cn write a book on this subject, and how its affected even the tinyest of facets in my life, but ill spare ya, lol.

peace and hang in there. your not alone bro!!
