
This Is Going To Sound Stupid. Very Stupid.


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Okay, I just realised what I've been doing wrong the last years. Horribly wrong.

Until around my 19th year I've always had very thick hair for a guy.
Around that age I stopped using shampoo and since then I've always noticed my hair was extremely oily and smelly but never realised it was due to the fact I didn't use shampoo anymore.

On top of that, at age 20 I started using creatine, which increases DHT and makes vulnerable hair follicles more likely to fall out(confirm please).

So since age 19 my thick head of hair started declining quite rapidly and I've always thought it was due to me finishing puberty, until now.

Note: male pattern baldness is not really running in my family, and genetically, thinning shouldn't happen to me either.

My question: what shampoo is best to use? (I will buy it tomorrow)

And: should I use a conditioner? Coconut oil?

I can't wait to gain back that lost thickness.


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Creatine has no noticeable impact on hair loss