This is the kind of stuff that really makes me feel bad


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I was looking on Brad Pitt's IMDB page.

In the forum section a bunch of people were talking about how horribly Brad Pitt is aging. They said he just looks old, looks bad, doesn't look good anymore. Looks like he had the life sucked out of him. Want to know the pic that everyone was referencing?

BAM --->

The man is 45. He looks amazing for 45. I look worse and I'm 24. Man... :/


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You know what.. "compared to himself" they are right, but then again, for his age he still look better then 99.99999% of that age group (and probably better then many other young males world-wide) yet it seems that the age catching up on him...some things you cant f*** with...


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These 'people' are probably about 17.
Brad looks good still but at 45 he's trying to hold onto the title of Hollywoods leading man against guys half his age.
Look at Robert Redford he still looks great even in his 60's? But obviously he's no longer viewed as a hearthrob to younger audiences.
Why feel bad about this, I doubt Brad's crying over it he's had 2 decades of fame and is still enjoying it.


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There are genetic freaks out there who defy age.
Brad Pitt is one of them.
If I didn't know how old he was and somebody asked me, I'd probably say early to mid thirties.
We can't use people like him as a measuring stick for our own looks, though. That would be like a teacher feeling bad because they don't have as much money as Donald Trump.


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And looking good has been Brad's whole life, if he had gone into a normal profession instead of acting he'd probably be pretty average looking by now. (although he'd probably still be a NW1).


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Still looks good to me, a bit more bloated looking, but really who cares, Angelina anybody!

When your rich and famous etc you will always have people bitching about you, your looks... luckily for Brad he's got talent as well


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And 20 years from now, everyone will say the same thing about Zac Efron. Let's face it, when you get past 30, you will no longer look like a "cute puppy." However, Brad still looks great for his age group. There are alot of mid to late 30's celebrities that don't look as good as Brad. That's life. Looks fade when you get older. John Stamos, Keannu Reeves, Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe and Patrick Dempsey all look excellent for their age and all still have maintained their "good looks". However, when they are over 50, they will definitely start to slowly lose their still somewhat "youthful" looks. Maybe they can hold on to it with plastic surgery but they will never look as good as they did in their 20 or early 30's. Its the cycle of life. Every generation will have their own "pretty boys". Unfortunately, nothing will change. Society will always base everything on "looks". That is why, if your having a hard time deciding what career you need to pursue, I would serious consider being a plastic surgeon to the rich. You will always make great money as long as you don't botch your surgery.


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I saw the thread you are talking about, and there was only about 2 people who thought he looked bad - the thread starter and probably a duplicate account of the thread starter.

Anyway, I guess the only reason that picture is being singled out is because his hair looks kind of receded? I admit it does look "off" - there's nothing wrong with his hair there but it doesn't look like "his" hair. Weird.

People are stupid. I'd be terrified to see what people's reactions would be if he actually noticeably receded to a NW2.5/3 though.


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He put on some weight and that facial hair doesn't look too good on him but he still looks great.


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I don't know if I should be happy it is possible to look kind of young at 45, or if I should be said that even Brad can't hold his youth and there is no hope for me. Fact: he gained weight and looks bloated in that pic. Fact: if I stay strim, maybe I won't look like that.


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CCS said:
I don't know if I should be happy it is possible to look kind of young at 45, or if I should be said that even Brad can't hold his youth and there is no hope for me. Fact: he gained weight and looks bloated in that pic. Fact: if I stay strim, maybe I won't look like that.

I think its pretty safe to assume that at 45 you wont look like Brad Pitt. :hump: :whistle:


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pretty safe to say I'd be very pleased with that at 45

uncomfortable man

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You must be some piece of (work) if you feel bad for brad.