this is where i am at


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The drugs i currently use for my hair loss is very extreme but i am so scared of losing my appearence that i will try anything,at the moment it is 100mg of androcur,propecia 1mg,and 5%minoxidil,i figure if this don't work then i have no choice but accept to go bald because that is a pretty hardcore regimen,however i have accepted the hairloss i have and have made great strides in accepting my current hair situation which to be honest is not that bad i am a norwood 2 with diffuse thinning but because i was born with very thick hair it still looks good some days and i would be very grateful to keep what i have got now,as before the case was i NEED to grow some back i am more realistic about the situation and realise that if i could keep my current hair i would be really pleased,i am also on anti depressents that have helped a little.
The thing that hurts the most is not knowing what my hair will look like in the future,because i want to get married and things like that and aat the moment i could have a lot of women as i still get looks and good comments from women,it would be hard for me to setle for a average women when i have always got babes but i guess we will have to wait what the future brings
I am still going bald but i am not has self critical now,i hope everybody is good and beating this hair loss sh*t


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Why would use that when if you went on treatment for Propecia and minoxidil for two years I bet your diffuse thinning would not be as bad and probably maintain what you have?

uncomfortable man

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Kudos for getting one step closer to acceptance and being more or less satisfied with your current situation instead of expecting perfection (which will always let you down). Adapting to this change is a tough thing to do but I think it will be even more difficult for you as you seem to be kind of a vain guy, no offense.


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Could you sound anymore self absorbed and spoiled?

Sorry for your hair loss, but you treat the opposite sex like different types of steak. :thumbdown2:


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My Regimen
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Slowburn, isn't that just what we do nowadays? Everything is about your image and what you look like.


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ghg said:
Slowburn, isn't that just what we do nowadays? Everything is about your image and what you look like.
Doesn't make it right, now does it?
It's mostly the kids that do this, adults should know better at some point.


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i agree with the guy that said i seem vain,i am incredibly vain towards my appearence it is so important to me ,however i am good person in many other ways as i always treat others how i would like to be treated,i think the fact that i am so vain is due to a inner loathing for myself.
i feel that i have to be perfect in looks wise ,i am not perfect looks wise and no one is but i look good and should not search for perfection because this is largly out of my control due to hairloss,i don't want to be vain but if i go in a pub and feel a lot of female attetion it gives me such a buzz,it is almost better than actually having sex knowing you are desired by the opposite sex


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I'm so vain I pluck off stray hairs on my knuckles (fingers and toes!) and tops of my feet, and manscape my eyebrows regularly.

Did I win?

uncomfortable man

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When we loose our hair we are kinda forced to reassess our own idea of our identity. Hair, like any other external feature is something that comprises our physical identity. The problem therein is when we associate that physical identity with who we are as people. Someone who's confidence is derived solely from the way they look will suffer an identity crisis at the hands of hairloss, or loosing a limb or anything else that changes the way we think we are supposed to look. As children looking in the mirror, we have all imagined what we will look like as adults never factoring loosing our hair in the process and now that I am that adult, the younger version of me with hair seems like a stranger. Such is life. If it is not hair, it could be any number of things that as we grow older just have to adapt to and those who have the elusive luxury of maintaining their good looks late into life might be missing out on an important opportunity to truly know themselves beyond this superficial world of appearances.


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Avery said:
I'm so vain I pluck off stray hairs on my knuckles (fingers and toes!) and tops of my feet, and manscape my eyebrows regularly.

Did I win?

And your prize is...a pair of golden tweezers :bravo: