This isnt intended to scare anyone but...........

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I've only been on propecia for about 2 months.. my hair loss is considerablly more noticeable.. very very thin.

I'm starting to wonder if propecia was the wrong thing to do??

and i wonder if a Doctor can determine if finasteride is having a negative effect on me?!!!!!!!!

This is a still relatively unknown phenomena but a small percentage of men seem to react negatively to the effects of the Propecia. In some men this can lead to an oily skin and an increase in hair loss. This is not normal and if you have experienced these effects from the beginning and they do not resolve themselves after a few weeks you should see a physician. Some men play it safe and start with a lower dosage like a half a tablet a day until their body adjusts to the Propecia. This approach should be discussed with the physician who prescribed the Propecia.

Shedding is a term given to an excessive amount of hair being lost at once. While this is a very unpleasant experience, it is actually a very good sign and indication that the Propecia is working. Shedding occurs when many follicles are put back into the growth cycle at the same time. When a hair enters the anagen or growth phase the first thing that happens is the old hair is pushed out by the new hair that is starting to grow. Shedding usually occurs after about 12 weeks of treatment and lasts for around 4-6 weeks. After this initial shedding phase has occurred most men experience fewer and fewer of these and most often they go largely unnoticed. If you are going though a shed phase do not panic as it will most likely slow down and stop after a few weeks. If you experienced an increased amount of hair loss almost immediately after taking Propecia it is likely that you are experiencing a hypoandrogenic effect and not a shed. If this is that case then you should see a physician about possibly discontinuing the drug.


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It seems entirely possible to me. I don't know. Where did you find this information?

You can get tested for your hormone levels.


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Jeff, how many times are you going to ignore advice and feedback and keep posting this crap?

I've been pretty patient with you up until right about ... now ... but this is going to have to stop soon. You have posted alarming freak out posts all over this forum and in every single one, you've been given solid advice.

Then 1 day later you go to another area of the forum and post another freakout message just like the last one, as if it had not been responded to.

Pleast stop ignoring what people say, accept it, and chill out.


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HairlossTalk said:
Jeff, how many times are you going to ignore advice and feedback and keep posting this crap?

I've been pretty patient with you up until right about ... now ... but this is going to have to stop soon. You have posted alarming freak out posts all over this forum and in every single one, you've been given solid advice.

Then 1 day later you go to another area of the forum and post another freakout message just like the last one, as if it had not been responded to.

Pleast stop ignoring what people say, accept it, and chill out.
I realize that advise has been given to me..

all i hear is " ride it out " " that's normal "

problem is... i was losing a little hair about 4-5 months ago... like 10-15 hairs in the shower....

now that i've been on propecia... I'm losing 30-50+!!!!!!!! sorry if this is making me freak out.. and no it's not in my head either..

I've taken pictures.. and people are noticing my hair is thinning quickly.

i'm seeing a different derm abotu my hair on the 9th of this month... my other derm didnt even look at my scalp and just unloaded this perscription on me...

now i'm worried that this wasnt a good choice and now what's been done wont be reverseable.

I understand that you dont' want people freaking out when they see my post.. but at the same time.. you should let people show negative effects as well as positive if this is the case.

i'll try not to post other places in the forum... i'm getting depressed and noeone is here to help me though this.



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jeffsss said:
SE-freak said:


hyper= υπέρ= super :more androgens generated. Acne, oily skin, hairloss is due to androgens.

hypo= υπό= under
: less androgens, less hairloss.

Where am I wrong?


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The hypoandrogenicity and shedding may or may not be related issues. You can have your horomone levels checked to see if you are experiencing hypoandrogenciy. Aside from shedding are you expericing anything else? If it is hypoandro, you porbably would have other symptoms, too.


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SE-freak said:
jeffsss said:


hyper= υπέρ= super :more androgens generated. Acne, oily skin, hairloss is due to androgens.

hypo= υπό= under
: less androgens, less hairloss.

Where am I wrong?[/quote:93a69]


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Ah, I see. Sorry.. I was only pointing out that 1) you can have labs done to test hormone level and discuss with a doctor, and that 2) you would have other symptoms associated with hypoandrogenicity. My other point is that anytime you mess with hormones, something dramatic is likely to result. Halting or initiaiting hair loss is just such a dramatic result.

SE-freak said:
jeffsss said:


hyper= υπέρ= super :more androgens generated. Acne, oily skin, hairloss is due to androgens.

hypo= υπό= under
: less androgens, less hairloss.

Where am I wrong?[/quote:94b31][/quote:94b31]


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jeffsss said:
all i hear is " ride it out " " that's normal "
Yeah thats the solid advice I was referring to.

problem is... i was losing a little hair about 4-5 months ago... like 10-15 hairs in the that i've been on propecia... I'm losing 30-50+!!!!!!!!
Uh YEAH and thats what the SOLID ADVICE was in response to. You arent giving me any new information here. You've said that same thing 40 times and in response, you were told to ride it out because its normal. We have all dealt with it. Its called shedding. Lord...

now i'm worried that this wasnt a good choice and now what's been done wont be reverseable.
Fine. Quit propecia and enjoy going bald. There is nothing worse than someone who comes here for advice and ignores it. At some point we have to take your Propecia away from you and let you go on your insane way. You've been given the same advice ad nauseum on here, multiple times, and you ignore it. So believe what you want and make your decisions, but please do not fill this forum with any more of these threads. Drop the Propecia "for fear of permenant damage" and enjoy what happens next.

I understand that you dont' want people freaking out when they see my post.. but at the same time.. you should let people show negative effects as well as positive if this is the case.
EVERYBODY KNOWS that shedding happens. We tell people that. There is a whole freakin forum for shedding. I have no problem with freaking out. I have a problem with people who ignore advice and information that is intended to help them.

i'll try not to post other places in the forum... i'm getting depressed and noeone is here to help me though this.
Are you blind? Are deaf? Are you dumb Jeff? Nobody is helping you through this? I can count about 40 posts to you from people who have helped you through this so far. What do you do? Put a bandana around your head and plug your ears?

You should have seen me at month 4 on Propecia. I was going nuts. I was threatening to sue Merck for false advertising. But thank god Bryan Shelton told me to STFU and WAIT. I was about to drop the stuff too. You think losing 30 hairs a day is bad? What you are going through was nothing. This is the last time im going to say this to you: Wait it out. If you want to drop the treatment, then do not come back here again looking for help because you have no better options than Propecia. IT IS WORKING. LET IT WORK.

MVN award nominee.
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