this may lift some spirits...


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im sure many of u have read this is from a qualified site....and i realize it can only be taken for what its worth but hey it mite help a few people to feel bit more optimistic bout their situation....[url] ... ml.....Nov[/url]. 4, 2004 -- Balding men and women take note. Hair cloning -- the next hair restoration remedy -- is on the way.

OK, it's not exactly cloning, although that's what it's come to be called. Researchers working to perfect the new technique prefer the term "hair multiplication."

And no, it's not ready for prime time. Not yet, says Ken Washenik, MD, PhD. Washenik is medical director for Bosley, the giant hair restoration company that's one of several firms racing to bring hair multiplication to market. He's also clinical assistant professor of dermatology at New York University Medical Center.

"There is no doubt it will be a tremendous breakthrough," Washenik tells WebMD. "It is the thing people have been waiting for. There have been so many remedies for hair loss that didn't pan out. This is one that really looks like it is going to happen -- and happen in the next few years."
It's not just hype, says hair researcher George Cotsarelis, professor of dermatology and director of the hair and scalp clinic, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia. Cotsarelis consults for Bosley, but is not involved in the company's research program.

"It is hard to predict whether they will be successful, but there is good evidence that will happen," Cotsarelis tells WebMD. "It is not quackery -- they are not charlatans. It is based on real scientific knowledge. But there are a lot of hurdles still to overcome."

Bone Daddy

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And just how many old rich broads will I have to pleasure *shudder* to afford it?

I doubt it will be "in a few years".


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I think it's 3-5 years away. But for the average-Joe it's more like 7-10 years away before it's affordable.